
The History of the 13 Colonies

  • 100 Men to Raonoke Island

    100 Men to Raonoke Island
    Queen Elizabeth sent Raleigh and 100 men to Roanoke Island.
  • Men Got Killed

    Men Got Killed
    Raleigh and his group found out that the men were killed by Pocahontas's people.
  • Period: to


    There was war between England and France. Which also took 2 years untill the war had ended with no people there after war.
  • 100 Men Landing

    100 Men Landing
    A group of over 100 men landed on the banks of Virginia's James River.
  • Coming Home Sick

    Coming Home Sick
    Captin Smith decided to come back "home"(England) when he was ill.
  • John's Death

    John's Death
    Four years later, John Smith had died.
  • Big Year

    Big Year
    It was the big year for James Town. The first elected assembly was established, called the House of Burgresses.
  • Mayflower In the Storm

    Mayflower In the Storm
    The Mayflower was in a "dramatic" storm and the ship was rocking back and forth from the "raging" winds and seas.
  • First Thanksgiving

    First Thanksgiving
    Governor William Bradford decided to have a feast with the Wampanogs, Squanto, and Chief Massaoit. The celebration feast was held for three days! Which began the tradition in America called Thanksgiving. As for several dishes in Thanksgiving, the Thanksgiving dish is a culinary dish for the US.
  • Land in the New World

    Land in the New World
    Since even the Puritans in the New England colonies didn't except the Quakers, King Charles II decided to give William Penn land in the New World that was south west of New Jersey.