The History of Television and Digital

  • The Difference Engine

    The Difference Engine
    Charles Babbage created .A difference engine is an automatic mechanical calculator designed to tabulate polynomial functions.
  • Projection

    Eadweard Muybridge . Muybridge settled Stanford's question with a single photographic negative showing his Standardbred trotting horse Occident airborne at the trot. This negative was lost, but the image survives through woodcuts made at the time (the technology for printed reproductions of photographs was still being developed).
  • First Public Demonstration of a mechanical TV

    First Public Demonstration of a mechanical TV
    John Logie Baird gave the world's first public demonstration of a mechinical television apparatus to approximately 40 memebers of the Royal Institution at his Lab. These were images of living human faces not outlines or silhouettes, with complete tonal gradations of light and shade.
  • TV sets go on sale

    TV sets go on sale
    At the opening ceremonies of the World's fair, FDR is the first President to be televised. Tv sets go on sale the next day. RCA begin broadcasts on a daily basis.
    Approximately 19,000 television sets are operating in England , less than a few hundred in the USA.
  • The Automatic Computing Engine

    The Automatic Computing Engine
    (ACE.)This was a digital computer in the modern sense, storing programs in its memory. His report emphasised the unlimited range of applications opened up by this technological revolution, and software developments ahead of parallel American developments. Created by Alan Turing
  • First full colour broadcast

    First full colour broadcast
    First broadt was of Tournament of the roses parade from Pasadena, California to 21 network stations. There were only 200 RCA electronic colour television sets able to view the show.
  • First practical Video Tape recorder

    First practical Video Tape recorder
    Developed by AMpex Corporation. It used the 2" Quadruplex format, using two-inch (5.1 cm) tape. Because of its US$50,000 price, the Ampex VRX-1000 could be afforded only by the television networks and the largest individual stations.
  • CV -2000 - Worlds first home video tape recorder

    CV -2000 - Worlds first home video tape recorder
    Introduced by Sony.
  • 1st Transatlantic reception of a televison

    1st Transatlantic reception of a televison
    Via TELSTAR Satellite.
  • Hughes DIRECTV satellite system launched

    Hughes DIRECTV satellite system launched
    Provided great pictures and stereo sound to 150-200 video and audio channels and the small digital satellite tv dish era began in a serious way.