First Successful Demonstration of Television
The first successful demonstration of television was on Sept. 7, 1927. The system used to display the image was designed by Philo Farnsworth. The first broadcasted image was a simple line. (Mitchell Stephens, nyu.edu) -
First Broadcast
In 1928, the first ever television broadcast, The Queen's Messenger, was played. After this event, the RCA began experementing with more and more broadcasts. The station that they used was W2XBS, the predecessor of the moderne station WNBC. (Wikipedia) -
First Live Presidential Broadcast on TV
President Truman gives the first live broadcast from the White House. The content of the speech was concering the useage of America's grain, advising us to cut back to help Europe recover from WWII. (History.com) -
Murrow Vs. McCarthy
Edward R. Murrow, former radio personality, narrated a report questioning Sen. McCarthy's shoddy tactics an fear mongering. This was the first time on television that a big political issue had been documented for the public to see. (Mitchell Stephens, nyu.com) -
The assassination of JFK
on this day president JFK was assassinated in Dallas. CBS interrupted their airing of As the World Turns to let Walter Cronkite announce that shots haad been fired at the president's car. An hour later, he appeared again to announce that President John F. Kennedy had died. (flavorwire.com) -
Application of Coloured Television
Although the first coloured TV broadcast was in 1954, the innovasion of coloured TV did not become readily available until the late 60's. During this time, almost all stations had updateed to colour. (Wikipedia.org) -
Development of digital tv
Around the mid 80's a couple of Japanese consumer electronic firms paved the way for digital television with the development of early HD tv. Didgital tv did not become widely available until the early 2000's. -
O. J Simpson Trial
In late 1994, Nicole Brown Simpson, and Ronald Goldman were stabbed to death in front of condominium. O.J Simpson was taken in for questioning and declared the prime suspect for the case. The trial lasted over several months, causing it to be the one of the most documented court cases ever. (law2.umkc.edu) -
9/11 shocks the nation
On this faithful day, two hijacked planes crashed into the Worlds Trade Center in NYC. This act of terrorism caused a ful scale of invasion in Iraq and Iran in order to stop the group responsable. This horrible occurence was covered live by CNN. (wikipedia.com) -
Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Katrina hits land fall in Louisiana becoming one of the worst natural disaters in US history. The event was cover by many media outlets showing the distruction and dispair this storm had wrought. (wikipedia.com)