Galileo created the first telescope - it had a one-and-a-half-inch lens and was displayed in an ornate frame.
Galileo's telescope had a one-and-a-half-inch lens and was displayed in an ornate frame. -
Johannes Hevelius created a refracting telescope which was 150 feet long. It swayed with the slightest breeze.
Sir William Herschel discovered the planet Uranus in 1781. Eight years later he received funding and completed a 40-foot telescope. Due to its size and weight is was not very effective.
John William Draper produced the first photograph of the moon using the daguerreotype process.
Lord Rosse completed construction of his reflecting telescope in Ireland. With its six-foot diameter primary mirror it allowed Rosse to discover the first spiral nebula.
The 40-inch telescope at Yerkes Observatory was completed, it remains the largest ever reflecting telescope.
The Hooker 100-inch telescope was built at the Mount Wilson Observatory in California.
Clyde Tombough discovered Pluto with the 13-inch telescope at Lowell Observatory in Arizona.
The 200-inch Hale Telescope in California has made crucial discoveries about galaxies and quasars.
The Hubble Space Telescope entered Earth's orbit and began photographing the universe.
The twin-mirrored Large binocular Telescope was built in Arizona. It will deliver ten times shaper images than the Hubble telescope.