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  • Period: 270,000 BCE to 3000 BCE


  • 265,000 BCE


    279,000 years ago in Ethiopia, hunters made small, sharp points from blocks of volcanic glass. Then they were attached to each of the points to a wooden handle to obtain a javelin. Thanks to her they had a weapon that allowed them to hunt from a distance more easily. But not only could they reach a greater variety of animals; they were also more likely to escape unscathed by being further away from large and dangerous prey. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caza
  • 10,000 BCE

    Agriculture and cattle raising

    Agriculture and cattle raising
    They allowed human beings to become sedentary and start the first stable settlements. In them, near their houses, they took care of the animals and cultivated the plants. The working tools in agriculture and livestock went from ancient stone to polished stone, which is why the first tools to work the land emerge. https://heraldodiariodesoria.elmundo.es/articulo/mundo-agrario/origenes-agricultura-ganaderia-neolitico/20150716134353206338.html
  • 3500 BCE


    The first humans, used rollers made of sticks and logs to move large stones. This allowed the transport of large weights in very short distances. It is intuited that prehistoric constructions such as the Stonehenge stones, could have been raised using first sketches of rollers, but there is no evidence to confirm this. https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-41728685
  • 3100 BCE


    It was in present-day Egypt about 5,500 years ago when man leaned for the first time on sails to move on water. From there, on the banks of the Nile, are the first drawings of ships. The natural conditions of the great river had a lot to do with the birth of this type of navigation, in addition to the level of development reached by this civilization. The navigation was by rowing, taking advantage of the current. https://curiosfera-historia.com/historia-del-barco/
  • 3000 BCE


    Historians affirm that around 300,000 or 200,000 years ago Homo erectus was already speaking, that its first graphic 'babbling' began 30,000 years ago with rock art, and then, due to the need to number, finally, what we understand appeared by true writing: a system of signs or images that represents spoken language. https://www.xlsemanal.com/conocer/historia/20170810/historia-origen-escritura.html
  • Period: 3000 BCE to


  • 105


    The origin of the paper is diverse (wood, rags, straw, etc.) and of a vegetal nature. To obtain it, the fibers are crushed and dissolved in water; the paste obtained is allowed to dry and then hardens to give it consistency. the word paper comes from Papyrus, a medium used by the Egyptians to make their writings. But really, it was in 105 AD. when in China it began with the manufacture of paper similar to that of today. https://www.bolsalea.com/blog/2011/09/el-origen-del-papel-3/
  • 1450


    The wood-type printing press was first used in China in 593 by Buddhist monks, who printed silk and colored fabrics. Before 900, prayer books were already being printed. the Dutchman Laurens Janzsoon, better known by the name of Coster, tried to adapt it to the Latin characters. Being these clearly smaller than the Chinese, Coster ran into difficulties that did not allow him to finish. https://curiosfera-historia.com/quien-invento-la-imprenta-historia/
  • Steam machine

    Steam machine
    It could pump water out of a mine by alternately filling a tank with high-pressure steam, which it carried emptied the water from the tank by pushing it upward, then condensing the steam, allowing more water to enter the tank. Unfortunately, the use of high pressure steam carried a significant risk of boiler or cylinder explosions and he invented a machine that used lower pressure steam. https://www.mundoprimaria.com/ciencia-para-ninos/maquina-de-vapor
  • Light bulb

    Light bulb
    The incandescent bulb or lamp was the work of two geniuses: the Englishman Joseph W. Swan (1828 - 1914) and the American Thomas Alva Edison (1847 - 1931). The first electric light bulb saw the light and it was made on October 21, 1879, after many years of experiments and failures. The main problem encountered by the inventors of the electric light bulb was how to prevent the filaments from melting under heat. https://curiosfera-historia.com/quien-invento-la-bombilla-y-su-historia/
  • Car

    The carts, whether pulled by horses, mules or oxen, were to transport objects and carriages to transport people. Today's cars are for transporting people and objects, they are a form of personal transportation. On a wooden structure, similar to that of a car, a two-cylinder steam engine is installed. At the front, the two wheels, axle and lance, are replaced by a single steering and driving wheel. https://www.rivekids.com/la-historia-del-coche/
  • Radioactivity

    Radioactivity was discovered by the French scientist Antoine Henri Becquerel in 1896 who realized that uranium spontaneously emits mysterious radiation. After the discovery of x-rays he began to work with the theory that minerals were capable of emitting phosphorescent light. Phosphorescence is the ability of a crystal to absorb light and re-emit it later in the dark. https://energia-nuclear.net/blog/como-se-descubrio-la-radioactividad
  • Plane

    Today, it is considered the safest means of transport in the world. They are also terribly effective flying machines in warfare, but this has not always been the case.
    Today, these flying machines are equipped with the latest technology and the best scientists and engineers on the planet take part in their design. It was a primitive use of jet propulsion https://curiosfera-historia.com/historia-de-la-aviacion/
  • TV

    It all started with Nipkow's disk in 1884: a device that consisted of a metal disk and a light source, which served to project the light projected by objects onto selenium sheets. It was a first attempt to capture moving images, although it failed to be effectively implemented. But it served for the development of the first television systems at the beginning of the 20th century. https://www.caracteristicas.co/historia-de-la-television/
  • Penicillin

    Penicillin was the first antibiotic used in medicine and its discovery is attributed to Alexander Fleming, who along with other medical scientists won the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1945, a well-deserved mention. The discovery of penicillin happened by chance and was reported by Fleming himself, who was studying bacterial cultures. https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/education/whatischemistry/landmarks/historia-quimica/descubrimiento-desarrollo-penicilina.html
  • Internet

    Today life is difficult without the Internet. Before the Internet, the only form of digital communication was through the telegraph (invented in 1840) whose electrical signals traveled through cables connected between an origin and a destination. In the 1960s, ARPANET, Network of the Agency for Advanced Research Projects of the United States. This network allowed communication between different academic and state institutions. https://www.iebschool.com/blog/historia-de-internet-innovacion/