The Concept of the Dynabook
The first ever idea of a tablet computer, a Dynabook or what you could call a KiddiComp. Thought of by Alan Kay. -
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The History of Tablets
The Apple Newton
This is Apple's first attempt at creating a tablet. It's called the Apple Newton. -
The Introduction of the Microsoft Tablet PC
You could say this is the first tablet - but truthfully it's not. It was the first tablet that became a very good seller for the tablet industry - in which you could say that Microsoft focused somewhat on. Microsoft had wanted to re-invent the pen and pad type of concept into a 'pen enabled personal computer'/ -
The Introduction of the Apple iPad
When the iPad was released, there was indefinite excitement for the new tablet because it was semi-revolutionary in a way because of how it looked and how the user interface was like. Although when you look at it from now, it isn't as nice as the iPads now, back then it was definitely something a bit advanced - even if it was only 2010. If you lookat it now, the iPad mini or the iPad Air. You can see how fast technology is evolving because it's only been 3 years since it's release... -
Samsung Galaxy Tab
This is the response of Samsung to Apple and Microsoft's tablet product, the Samsung Galaxy Tab. -
BlackBerry PlayBook
One of BlackBerry's first and only tablets that they've incorporated the BlackBerry operating systems in. -
HP Touchpad
The HP Touchpad - developed by Hewlett-Packard or HP - is the first tbalet computer that HP has created. It is said to be HP trying to get into the competetive world of tablet computers. -
Sony Tablet S
This is the first ever Sony Tablet - apart of the Sony Tablet series - it definitely differed in terms of size and how the operating system worked, even if it was using the Andriod system. But, in terms of just the apperance and the capabilities, it did not really have any unique outstanding features. -
The Beginning of the Sony Tablets
The Sony Tablet S - the first of the Sony Tablet series - was technically Sony's reply to the many tablet computers that were showing up in the world - particularly the year 2011. -
The newest iPad known to date, the iPad Mini with Retina Display, is the lightest and has the highest definition for the iPad Mini series, hence with the Retina Display. The iPad Mini, line of products had already made Apple a great deal of profit just from the number of consumers that are willing to buy it. This just adds to the profit that Apple makes from just selling iPad Minis. -
AT&T's First Tablet
AT&T - a telecomunication's company - had released it's first tablet called the EO Personal Communicator. It was quite advanced at it's time