
The History of Sony

  • Introducing Sony

    Established by the Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Corporation and Sony relocates to Japan. It is a partenrship deal with Totsuku which is a
  • The Tape Recorder by Sony

    The Tape Recorder by Sony
    The Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Company built Japans first ever tape recorder and the name was changed to Sony.
  • First Coloured Television

    First Coloured Television
    This was the first step towards Sony's television dominance. The colour TV was the first of its kind that surpassed its predecessors.Previously televsions were black and white. This new feature was incredibly popular worldwide and it shot Sony up the market of technology. Sony adapted to the social aspect of the market as it introduced a new era to offer change.
  • Introducing the Sony Walkman

    Introducing the Sony Walkman
    THis is an audio cassete player. It consists of a tape, headohones that are connected via a wire. This was the breakthrough of portable audio players. This was hugely popular as it made musc portable. It also allowed two people to listen at once which was the USP of the product which made it so popular in the US, UK and Japan.
  • Worlds First CD Player

    Worlds First CD Player
    This is the first CD player ever invented. This device plays compact discs. It offered a crystal clear audio system and was originally designed to be portable. It was a digital audio revolution. As this was the first of its kind it went on sale at a selling price of $674, although since it was so unique at the time it was extremely popular.
  • The Digital Camcorder

    The Digital Camcorder
    The USP of thsi camcorder was that you were able to transfer data between a desktop or computer. The resolution dn video clarity was unsurpassed at the time.
  • The Blu-Ray Disc

    The Blu-Ray Disc
    Althought the prototype was released in 2000 the final release of teh Blu Ray disc was 2003. This was superior to the previous compact disc as it had a much larger storage space and video and audio could be stored with higher definition on the DVD.