
THE history of soccer

By lmay
  • May 11, 1424

    soccer ruined

    King James I of Scotland passes a law banning the game.
  • Jan 1, 1448

    early soccer

    early soccer
    with evidence of soccer being played in china in the years 200-300 B.C. soccer is one of the oldest surviving sports
  • May 10, 1454

    soccer threw the years

    soccer threw the years
    rumors say the first soccer ball used in englad was the head of a danish brigand. It is said that during medieval times, the old form of soccer used to allow many ill practices like kicking, punching, biting and gouging.
  • May 11, 1500


    In Italy they played a game called "calcio" with teams of 27+ people. The game involved kicking, carrying or passing a ball across a goal line. In 1580, Giovanni Bardi published a set of rules of the game of calcio.
  • soccer legal again :D

    soccer legal again :D
    soccer became legal again in England.
  • jamestown

    In North America, native American Indians in the original Jamestown settlement played a game called pasuckuakohowog, meaning "they gather to play ball with the foot." It was a rough game, played the beach, the field a half-mile wide with goals 1 mile apart, with as many as 1000 players at a time.
  • its offical

    Eton College of England established a set of rules for the games
  • reform

    The rules were further standardized and a new version was adopted by all the schools, college and universities, known as the Cambridge Rules
  • raggel fraggel

    October 26 of 1863, the Football Association was formed when eleven London schools and clubs came together at the Freemason's Tavern to establish a single set of rules to administer any football match that were to be played among them. On December 8 1863, Association Football and Rugby Football finally split onto two different organizations.
  • olympics

    Soccer played the Olympic Games for the first time
  • FIFA

    Establishment of FIFA by delegates from France, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland at a meeting in Paris on the 21st of May.
  • Period: to


  • champions

    The American women's team won the first-ever women's soccer event at the Olympics