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The History of Rocketry by 4G

By CCSlab
  • Jan 1, 1045

    rocket fule

    bamboo wase the first thing hused to perpel the fire in rockets
    joshua kapp
  • Period: Mar 4, 1045 to

    History of Rocketry

  • Jan 1, 1232

    Rocket Fire Arrows

    The rocket fire arrows were used to repel mongal invaders.
    by Chase Manton
  • space travel

    space travel
    Rockets came into the New World during the war of 1812. Anslee Walker
  • The British Amy built a brige

    In 1818 the British Amy built a brige for the rockets.
    Michelle Boyer
  • british army

    a official rocket brigade was made in the british army in the year of 1818 gabrielle davenport
  • A diffrint kind of fuel

    The earliest kind of rockect fuel was actully gun powder instead of gas wich we use now.Chalie sewell
  • The Takeover at Veracruz

    The rocket battery was used,against the Mexican forces, at the takeover of Veracruz.
    Dunstan Ashe
  • the rocket battery waa used.

    The rocket battery was used on March,24,1847. It was used against the Mexican forces at the siege of Veracruz.
  • youzing baderes in 1847

    rockits stared youzing baderes in 1847.
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    The Cold War was a space race . Aginst Russia Russia won by sending Yurei into space . Jackson Langley
  • Hitler Dies

    April 1945,Becase of rockets the German army was retreating and Hitler comited suicde in Berlin in his bunker.

  • First to launch

    On July 24 1950 a two stage bumper rocket. Was the first rocket to launch from the cape.
    Mitchell Hailey
  • eralay soilid roket fuel was a form of gunpowder

    eary soilid roket fuel was form a gunpowder connor
  • creators

    engineers,scientists,contractors and other support personnel built well on July 20,1969,a transmission from the Moons Sea of Tranquility reported;''The Eagle has landed.''avery jones
  • a marshel developed the nasa program ben austin

    a marshel developed the nasa program ben austin
  • Roket Reaches Orbit !

    on may 14 1973 the Skylab module sucsessfuly was placed in orbit.Anna Graves
  • Marshall Developed America's First Space Station

    America's first space station, Skylab, was developed by the team at Marshall. It was made to take place of the upper model saturn V rocket.
    Holly Hendry
  • rocket fuel

    in this year they used gunpowder for rocket fuel the gunpowder came from china they put the gunpowder in bambbo with tristin dollmont
  • rocket fuel

    The earliest form of rocket fuel was a form of gunpowder Joel McDevitt
  • rockes

    when America reterned in 1988 to manned spaceflight a space vehicle was vastly safer an more capable lachlan brandt
  • When America retrned

    1988,a space vehicle was safer and more capable.Rebecca Landfare
  • when America reternd to manned space flight

    1988 it did so in a space vechel wich was vasly safer and more cable

    josiah brower
  • safe rocket

    safe rocket
    when amarica returned to the station they made a safer rocket noah ibach