First use of re-education through labor in China
by the Communist Party of China to punish counter-revolutionaries -
officially adopted into law to be implemented by the Ministry of Public Security
A maximum sentence of four years was set
The management and implementation of the re-education through labor system was passed from the Ministry of Public Security to the Ministry of Justice
the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention called for China to allow judicial control over detentions
Re-education through labor became a common punishment for practitioners
when Falun Gong was banned in mainland China -
The WGAD called for the establishment of rights to due process and counsel for individuals detained
The Special Rapporteur on Torture called for the outright abolition of re-education through labor
The Chinese government replacethe re-education through labor system with a more lenient set of laws
Chongqing municipality passed a law allowing lawyers to offer legal counsel in re-education through labor cases
A group of academics drafted an open letter to the government calling for an end to the system
During the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, there were reports that some individuals applying for permits to protest were detained without trial
re-education through labor was listed as an "urgent human rights concern"
There remains a large number of active facilities