The History of Reading Instruction from 1400-1700

  • Period: Jan 1, 1400 to Dec 31, 1499


    Although most boys were educated outside of the household some male tutors would be brought into the home of wealthy families to educate the boys after letters had been learned while the mother would educate the girls. In richer households if some girls were going to be nuns they were sent to school to learn to read and write.
  • Jun 16, 1440

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    Invented by Johannes Gutenburg. Sped up the production of books that were mostly religion-based and also romance novels.
    Interactive Printing Press
  • Jun 16, 1450

    The Hornbook

    The Hornbook
    This was the very first alphabet book that consists of vowels and consonant combinations, the roman numerals 1-9, and the Lord's Prayer. It was created in England. It was a wooden paddle covered with a thin sheet of horn that protected the paper (velium) which was made from animal skin. It had a hole in the handle so children could carry it on their belt or neck.
  • Jun 16, 1501

    Exclusion of People

    Exclusion of People
    Pope Alexander VI threatened to exile anyone who printed any books without checking with the authorities of the Catholic Church. Many tried to print books about the Protestant Reformation.
  • Jun 16, 1532

    ABC Book by Schulte

    This was the first book to make an attempt to appeal to children's interests. Pictures and rhymes were used.
  • Schools Influence by Religon

    A law was passed stating that all children should learn to read because the inability to do so was thought to be Satan's attempt to keep people away from the Scriptures.
    Religion in School
  • Sampler

    Once girls could sew a sampler, which was the alphabet and numerals on a square piece of fabric, it meant that they had the basic sewing skills needed to operate the household so there was no need for further schooling.
  • The New England Primer

    The New England Primer
    This was the first alphabet textbook for children. It was first printed in Boston by Benjamin Harris. It was created to help children learn to read and to teach them religion and moral lessons. It is a small book with wooden coveres that have paper glued over them. Inside there is an alphabet, a verse from the bible, prayers, and questions about faith, vocabulary, and morals.
  • Period: to

    Gingerbread Method

    Letters were made out of gingerbread. Each time a child read a letter, he or she would eat it as they spelled or read from left to right.
  • Benjamin Franklin

    Benjamin Franklin
    He opened a printing shop that turned out to be very successful in printing government pamphlets, books, and currency. He also became the owner and publisher of a colonial newspaper known as the Pennsylvannia Gazette. [Benjamin Franklin](
  • Webster's Speller

    Webster's Speller
    Noah Webster made a spelling type of book that was the first one published on an American Press. The first part of the book used the alphabet method beginning with a lengthy syllable. Then it went to words with increasing numbers of syllables. The third section of the speller was a reader for children who could already read.