
The History of Puerto Rico's Language Policy

  • Jan 1, 1490

    Tainos and Caribes

    Tainos and Caribes
    Tainos and Caribes were from different areas of P.R. and spoke different languages.
  • Nov 19, 1493

    The Spanish Colonizers in Puerto Rico

    The Spanish Colonizers in Puerto Rico
    The Spaniards and our first habitants communicated through interperters.
  • Northamerican Invasion in Puerto Rico

    Northamerican Invasion in Puerto Rico
    English was imposed in the Puerto Rican school system.
  • Dr. John Euton and Dr. Victor Clark - Teachers learn English

    Dr. John Euton and Dr. Victor Clark - Teachers learn English
    Ruling established that all teacher must learn English.
  • Spanish as the main language/ English as the second language

    Spanish as the main language/ English as the second language
    Elementary Schools - all Spanish subjects and English assigned as a special subject.
    High School - All English subjects and Spanish assigned as a special subject.
  • Increases English usage in public schools

    Increases English usage in public schools
    During this period 540 teachers were sent to the Universities of Cornell and Harvard to learn English.
  • English as a language medium

    English as a language medium
    Spanish surpressed and English is used as a medium for teaching in all grades.
  • World War I and US Citizenship Granted

    World War I and US Citizenship Granted
    US Citizenship was granted.
    The linguistic contreversy continues to be tied in with politics.
  • Juan B. Huyke Comisioner of Instruction

    Juan B. Huyke Comisioner of Instruction
    Mandated only English be spoken in and out of the classrooms.
  • Jose M. Gallardo - Bilingual Education attempt

    Jose M. Gallardo - Bilingual Education attempt
    The comisioner tries to implement a bilingual program. Public protest did not allow it.
  • Spanish Prevails

    Spanish Prevails
    English is assigned in public schools as the second language and Spanish prevails till six grade.
  • Spanish was used as the main Language

    Spanish was used as the main Language
    Spanish was used as the main language till the 9th grade.
  • Comisioner of Instruction - Dr. Mariano Villaronga - Vernacular language

    Comisioner of Instruction - Dr. Mariano Villaronga - Vernacular language
    The comisioner puts a stop to the debate of bilingual education declaring that all teachings be done in the vernacular language. This with held to the present.
  • Dr. Jose Padin Comisioner of instruction - English Foreign Language

    Dr. Jose Padin Comisioner of instruction - English Foreign Language
    The comisioner declares English as a second language, considering it as foreign.
  • Bilingual Education Funds

    Bilingual Education Funds
    The Department of Education requested funds for students that traveled from PR to the US in regards to the bilingual program.
  • Bilingual Education Proyect

    Bilingual Education Proyect
    US Congress authorizes the program of Bilingual Education in PR.
  • Student Fluctuation Increases

    Student Fluctuation Increases
    Studies indicate that 84,834 traveled in and out of public schools, and from this amount 59,810 had special needs for language acquisition.
  • Bilingual Education Today

    Bilingual Education Today
    Till this day there still exist contreversies regarding bilingual education. Just recently there has been a shift in schools to implement and promote English.