The History of Professional Counseling

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    The birth of counseling as a profession

    • Transitions from Agrarian Age to Industrial Age
  • The year professional counseling began

    The year professional counseling began
    A group of social workers realized the following was needed:
    1. Case management
    2. A place to consider internal and external barriers that they are facing
    3. To be able to gain self-knowledge in order to apply it to their every day lives
  • Frank Parsons- Founder of the Field of Professional Counseling

    Frank Parsons- Founder of the Field of Professional Counseling
    -Breadwinner's Institute of Vocation Bureau of Boston Civic Service House
    -Founded the process for vocational guidance and career counseling
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    New Professional Counseling

    Extreme growth of new profession of counseling in the education field
    1. K-12
    1. Colleges and Universities
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    World War I

    Suicide was the leading cause of death in military personnel.
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    Economic Depression/ Smith- Hughes Act

    Solidified the role of counseling in educational institutions due to:
    1. An increase of literacy needs for jobs in the advancing industrial field
    2. An increase in the pregnancies after World War 1
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    World War II

    One reason for growth of training counselors
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    Federal Government focused on the training of professional counselors

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    Unification Committee

    Created the first 4 Divisions of the ACA
    2. NAGCT (now ACES)
    3. SPATE (now AHC)
    4. ACPA
  • Origination of the Code of Ethics

  • Union of Soviet Socialist Republics'

    Union of Soviet Socialist Republics'
    First successful launching of a rocket orbiting the Earth
  • National Defense Education Act (NDEA)

    National Defense Education Act (NDEA)
    Counselors trained to identify and encourage science and math majors for student's college education.
  • Union of Soviet Socialist Republics'

    Union of Soviet Socialist Republics'
    Successful launch to the moon
  • Virginial first state to license professional Counselors

  • Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education Act

    Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education Act
    Strengthened the programs for underserved populations.
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    Poverty to Cultural Diversity

    Counseling was sent into lower socioeconomic classes, because they were required to go to work due to new governmental policies.
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    Multicultural Counseling Competencies

  • Mental Health Insurance Parity Act (MHIPA)

    Prevented health insurance plans that provided mental health services from discriminating between mental and physical health services in payments or financial maximums.
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

    Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
    Established national standards for the electronic transmission of health information, for the use and disclosure of personally identifiable health information, and for more security of information.
  • Welfare to Work

    People were only able to be on TANF for 5 years
  • Code of Ethics Revision

    Code of Ethics Revision
  • California was the final state to license professional counselors

  • VA issued requirements/standards for Licensed professional mental health counselors (LPMHC)

    Must have a master's degree in mental health or related field program
  • UPDATED Code of Ethics

    UPDATED Code of Ethics