The History of Political Parties

  • The Drafting of the Federalist Papers

    This is the first division of ideas seen in American politics based on how the Constitution should be interpreted.
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    The Life of the Federalist Party

    The Federalists were first drawn up to provide loose contruction to the Contitution and favored a strong centeral government. The Federalists die out because of Adams passed the Alien Sedition Act. When Jefferson became president, all the Federalist had lost power in government positions.
  • Ratification of the Bill of Rights

    In order for the AntiFederalists to agree on ratifying the constitution, they drafted a bill of rights that they wanted included inside. This was to ensure that the federal government didn't get too large or too powerful.
  • George Washington's Farewell Address

    The former president left two pieces of solid advise when he left his seat as presisdent of the United States. One of which, is to stay away from political parites. And so it begins
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    Jeffersonian Democracy

    Jefferson was quite an informal individual and would wear pajamas at cabinet meetings and was extremely adament on having a weak central government
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    Jacksonian Democracy (The New Democrats)

    Took a lot from Jefferson's beliefs such as states rights. Celebrated the comman man and was extremely popular in the south. Wanted to expand much more than ever. Total war against the bank. Jackson was a bit of an imperialistic president
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    Bank War

    Jackson fought the bank and took all the governements money and put them all into little pet banks because of the distrust he had for the banks.
  • The Beginning of the Whigs

    Advocated reforms such as temperance and public schools and prison reform. Were entrepreneurs who favored industry and urban growth and free labor. Favored gradual territorial expansion over time and opposed the Mexican War. Believed in progress through internal growth
  • Free Soilers Nominate Van Buren

    Free Soilists believed not in the complete abolition of slavery, but didnt agree with the complete expansion of slavery
  • Kansas_Nebraska Act

    Allowed popular sovereignty in certain states about the paaing of slavery. Completely split up the Whig Party. The southern whigs went with the Democrats and the Northern Whigs joined with the Republicans
  • Election of 1860

    The presidential elections where the major difference between two political parties was the abolishment of slavery and states rights.
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    Guilded Age Politics

    Hayes to Ben Harrison. The political parties were pretty much the exact same. they were both pro buisness the only thing keeping a bipartisianship was the ridiculous party loyalties that were between them
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    The Rise of the Populist Party

    free coinage of silver,
    government ownership of the railroads, telegraphs, and telephone lines,
    graduated income tax,
    direct election of U. S. senators,
    the use of initiative, referendum, and recall
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    Progressive Republicanism

    The Progressive Republican Presisdents that saw that big buisness couldn't win any longer. Trust busters. HUGE imperialists
  • Bull Moose Campaign

    The republican party decided to break up because of Taft's decision to blow off Pinchot when Ballenger went to Wyoming and Alaska and his signing of the Payne-Aldrich Bill. This ensured Wilson's seat as president.
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    Post WW1 Republican Era

    After WW1 Harding desired a return to normalcy and wanted to focus on what was going on here in the US and not overseas. Economy was extremely hands off. Very consumer based. Harding to Hoover.
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    New Deal. New Democrat.

    FDR comes in and redefines what it is to be a democrat. Which preached government responsibility to its poeple and the idea of a deficit.
  • Truman nominated as President

    Truman's nomination splits the democratic party into two sections. The Dixiecrats which were the Southern Democrats who wanted to keep their states rights and segregation. Liberal Democrats were left over new dealers and peacekeepers. Strom Thurmond and Wallace. Truman won
  • Nixon's New Federalism

    Nixon came in with an idea that the government should be a lot smaller, yet was the most imperialistic persident in all of history. Started the republican ideal of small government and personal resposibility
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    Reagan brings in a completely socially driven republican drive with a huge Christian movement on certain issues on homosexuality and abortion which continues on today. Also Reagan started a small governement, budget cuts, high military spending, and pro buisness within the republican party.
  • Contract with America

    Newt Gingrich speech that emphasized getting the budget under control and the cutting of welfare programs