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The History of Papunya

By senesp
  • The Flag Was Placed in the Centre of Australia

    The Flag Was Placed in the Centre of Australia
    The Anangu tribe can see people of the white race coming to their homeland. Stuart plants the British flag in the centre of the Australian land. The Anangu tribe force Stuart away.
  • The British Arrive

    The British Arrive
    The Anangu Tribe see people of the white race coming through their homeland. Stuart planted the British flag in the centre of the Australian land. The Anangu Tribe forced the British away from the land.
  • More Explorers Came

    More Explorers Came
    In 1870, more explorers came and began making maps of the land. The Anangu tribe began seeing strange animals appearing in their country. They didn't quite understand what was happening at the time. The British explorers seemed to be taking over their land.