
The History of Movies

  • The first moving pictures

    The first moving pictures
    The "magic lantern" was the first-ever version of the modern projector. It could display moving images through various lenses inside of it. It is unknown when it was invented, though thought to be near 1650.
  • Magic Lanterns become popular for personal usage

    Magic Lanterns become popular for personal usage
    In the early 1800's, magic lanterns begin to become used widespread and in homes, instead of exclusively speciallized useage.
  • Zeotrope

    An image-producing device, used involving a series of slits and a picture showing different stages of motion of an immage, thus when the disk is spun, it apears to create a moving image.
  • Phenakistoscope

    A spinning disk created images. It projecting this image through slots onto a mirror's reflection.
  • The first movie!

    The first movie!
    Eadweard Muybridge set up a system of cameras at a horse race. These were set to operate in a sequence, causing a motion picture of the horse race.
  • America's FIRST Projected Movie

  • First Movie Theatre

    America's first cinema is opened
  • Edison's Monoploly

    Edison's Monoploly
    Thomas Edison begins trying to sue all other American filmmakers for "Copywright Infringement". This causes the number of filmmakers from other contries to become more popular.
  • Color

    The original form of color is Kinemacolor. It is black and white wit hcolor filters and predessecor to Technecolor.
  • Now in Technicolor!

    Technicolor was invented, allowing for movies and animations to be filmed in color
  • Notes on Presentation

    These pictures were all retreived from random place on the internet, notably: Google Images.
    All of this information was retreived from the internet.
    Due to various forms of fact-checking and reveiw, this infromation is probably true