
The history of Monzón:-)

  • 3 BCE

    3 B.C.

    3 B.C.
    3 B.C. -at that time The Ilergetes who were an ancient Iberian (Pre-Roman) people lived at the area of Monzon
  • 2 BCE


    Neolithic - the first signs of human occupation in Monzón
  • 2

    2 B.C.

    2 B.C.
    (2 B.C.) - Romanization of the area
  • Dec 24, 880

    880 year

    880 year
    880 - around 9th century The Cathedral of Santa Maria del Romeral el and the castle welcomed the king and his nobles
  • Dec 24, 1083

    Middle Ages

    Middle Ages
    Middle Ages - Muslim domination
  • Dec 24, 1089

    1089 year

    1089 year
    1089 -The Christians conquer Monzón and the Kingdom of Monzón is created by the King of Aragon, Pedro I
  • Dec 24, 1143

    1143 year

    1143 year
    1143 -The Templars become the owners of Monzón
  • 1626 year

    1626 year
    In Monzón the Cardinal Richelieu and Gasparde Guzman, Count - Duke of Olivares signed a treaty here, ending the conflict over Valtelline in 1626.
  • 1814 year

    1814 year
    1814 - French occupation during the War of Independence