
The History of MNU

  • Period: to

    Time after the Arrival of Aliens

  • NASA spots UFO heading for earth

    NASA spots UFO heading for earth
    No infomation whether it is a spacecraft of just space debris
  • UFO doesn't respond to any communications

    UFO doesn't respond to any communications
    NASA attempts to contact UFO by all human means. They recieve no response from the UFO and see it as potentially hostile.
  • UFO slows to a stop above Johannesburg

    UFO slows to a stop above Johannesburg
    South African goverment stays cuatios with anti-air guns and military deployed below the spaceship. UN ready to give aid if required.
  • Decides to cut their way into the spacecraft

    Decides to cut their way into the spacecraft
    Find a colony of malourishment and extremely unhealthy aliens.
  • District 1 Set Up

    Used as a processing area for the aliens brought down from the ship. Doctors on hand to try and help them, though not much can be done. There were approximatly 1 million aliens brought down from the ship.
  • South African Goverment sets up Distric 2

    This is a temporary living the area, while the goverment decided what to do with the aliens. Also to learn more about the Aliens, how to speak their language and what they need to survive.
  • Goverment creates taskforce to manage the Aliens

    Called Department of Extraterrestrial Affairs. Dept. E. A. in short.
  • Dept. E. A. sets up 6 small Districts

    Set up around near urban suburbs. To help allow aliens to intergrate in with the South African people. Early results are promising.
  • Alien banned from competing in Los Angeles Olympics

    International Sports Commisions banned all aliens from particiapting in proffesional sports with humans.
  • Areas start to become Human Only

    Areas start to become Human Only
    People start to fill unsafe around Aliens. There are rumors of Alien and Human conflicts.
  • Govement initaies country wide segregation

    Amongst public pressure, alien, human segregation now becomes law.
  • Skirmish with humans and Alien

    Skirmish with humans and Alien
    Reports of 1 human and a dozen aliens killed in the skirmish
  • Massive rioting againt Aliens

  • From riots govement decide to move all aliens into one area

  • Completion of District 8 Aliens begin to be moved in

    It was no easy task and the report said there were 15 alien deaths and three human deaths while this operation lasted.
  • Goverment of South Africa goes into debt crisis

    Due to the increasing costs of running and maintaing District 8. The goverment goes into debt the first time in 30 years.
  • Department of Extraterrestrial Affairs put up for sale

    At 250,000 shares at 5 cents each. All shares sell out in 1 day.
  • Board of Directors Call company MNU

    Board of Directors Call company MNU
  • MNU releases its new weapon for sale to the world's goverment

    Featuring new never before seen technology. More effective than any other gun on the market. They are sold in their thousands to the world's military super powers and exorbant prices.
  • MNU share price now $5

  • MNU releases new tank to the world.

    It has a new metal alloy used for the protection, more resitant to explosives and bullets than any other tank on the market.
  • Nigerian Camp spotted in Distric 8

    MNU reports camp offering possible weapon black market dealing, interspecies prostitution and selling of goods at extremely high prices.
  • MNU extravaganza showcase new gear

    3 New Weapons
    1 Ney Body Armour Kit
    2 New Vehicles
  • MNU share price now $65

  • MNU now producing 20% of the worlds weapons

    All militaries in the world have atleast 2 items bought from MNU.
  • MNU share price now $130

    Stocks are rarely sold and they continue to rise.
  • Fire erupts in Distric 8 killing many aliens

  • District 8 is refurbished and renamed District 9

    District 8 is refurbished and renamed District 9
  • MNU called in to deal with conflicts

    1000 Aliens estimated killed in the violence where Aliens were rioting in and around District 9. 15 Human's were killed. MNU fortifies District 9 with more sentry posts to handle another riot.
  • MNU shares now valued at $400 each

  • MNU now world's second largest producer of weapons

    MNU now world's second largest producer of weapons
  • MNU to move Aliens from District 9 to District 10

    MNU to move Aliens from District 9 to District 10
    The plan is to move 1.8 million Aliens from District 9 to a better and safer location 200 miles out of Johannesburg city.
  • MNU calls out for a Wikus van de Merwe to be captured

    MNU calls out for a Wikus van de Merwe to be captured
  • Alien Spacecraft leaves Earth

    Aliens remain, no indication wether the ship will return back to Earth.
  • MNU not focusing on producing new weapons

    In a press conference today CEO Dirk Michaels outlined a plan to be the first to send a manned shuttle to Mars using MNU technology. Saying there weapons program will still be running but at a slower rate.