The History Of Medicine Timeline

  • 2600 BCE

    The Egyptian Imhotep

    The Egyptian Imhotep
    In this time the Egyptian Imhotep described and diagnosed almost 200 diseases. Some say “The true father of medicine”
  • 500 BCE

    The Alcaemon Of Croton

    The Alcaemon Of Croton
    Distinguished Veins from arteries. This was an advancement for medicine
  • 460 BCE


    Also referred to as the “Greek Father Of Medicine.” Began to study medicine and treat patients
  • 300 BCE

    The First Anatomy Book

    The First Anatomy Book
    The first anatomy book was written by Diocles. The book had detail the was on point and exact.
  • 130

    The Birth Of Galen

    The Birth Of Galen
    Galen was a Greek physician to gladiators. He made many advancements in medicine.He also performed Anatomy demonstrations with dissections
  • 400

    Middle Ages

  • 401

    Barbor surgeons

    Barbor surgeons
    Barbor surgeons performed surgery. Mostly on the wounded of war .This was practiced in the Middle Ages era.
  • 910


    Rhazes was a Persian Physician who identified the disease smallpox. This disease was very common in that time.
  • 1010

    The Cannon of Medicine

    The Cannon of Medicine
    The Cannon of Medicine was written by philosopher Avicenna. This book was written soon basic ideas of Hippocrates. His teachings were used until the 17th and 18th century.
  • 1154


    King Roger ll decrees that a liscense is required in order to be a practitioner of Medicine.Women were not allowed to practice.
  • 1400

    Religion and Medicine

    Religion and Medicine
    Christian monasteries treated the sick with prayer. Religion was saught to those who were sick. Islamic wards had various wards for different illnesses.
  • 1500


  • 1506

    Dissection Of corpse

    Dissection Of corpse
    Leonardo da Vinci performed a dissection Of an 100 year old man and dew the anatomy. This was an important moment in medicine.
  • 1543

    Human Anatomy

    Human Anatomy
    Physician Andreas Vesalius wrote one of the most influential books of anatomy De Humani Corporis Fabrica. This book was very influential in medicine.
  • Microscope Invented

    Microscope Invented
    The microscope was invented by Zachariah Janssen. This improved the study of things the naked eye cannot see. A huge advancement in medicine.
  • Canine Blood transfusion

    Canine Blood transfusion
    Though the transfusion was not human it was canine and marked important for medicine. Sir Christopher Wren performed the transfusion.
  • Cells Found

    Cells Found
    Anton van Leeuwenhoek discovered various cells of the body such as red blood cell. He also improved the microscope.
  • Industrial revolution

  • First Successful Appendectomy

    First Successful Appendectomy
    Claudius Aymand performed the first recorded and successfull Appendectomy. This was a breakthrough for medicine.
  • First Vaccination

    First Vaccination
    Edward Jenner develops a vaccination for smallpox. This is the first vaccination for any disease.
  • Stethoscope Invented

    Stethoscope Invented
    The stethoscope is invented by Rene Laennec a French physician. He used it to diagnose various chest problems.
  • First Successful Blood Transfusion

    First Successful Blood Transfusion
    The first Successful blood transfusion was performed byr physician James Blundell. This was a leap in medicine.
  • General Anesthetic

    General Anesthetic
    Ether was used as a general anesthetic for the first time in history in surgery. The surgery was performed by physician Crawford W . Long
  • Modern Era

  • Discovery of X-ray

    Discovery of X-ray
    Will helm Conrad Roentgen a physics professor discovered x rays in his labartory. This was a breakthrough in medical history. Something that has advanced so much
  • Discovery of Radium

    Discovery of Radium
    Radium was discovered by scientist Marie curie in 1898. This discovery advanced treatments for cancer.
  • First Antibiotic

    First Antibiotic
    The first antiobiotic was discovered by doctor Alexander Fleming. He discovered penicillin. This was a great discovery for medicine
  • First Chemotherapy treatments

    First Chemotherapy treatments
    The era of chemotherapeutic treatment was in the 1940’s. By using Nitrogen mustards and folic acid.
  • Discovery of HeLa cells

    Discovery of HeLa cells
    In 1951 a sick woman made histor with the first human cell line. Her cellsreproduced infinitely. HeLa were a breakthrough discovery.
  • First Successful Organ Transplant

    First Successful Organ Transplant
    The first successful kidney transplant was led my Dr. Joseph Murray and Dr. David Hume in a Boston Hospital. This was a very important event in medical history
  • First CAT Scan

    First CAT Scan
    The idea of the CAT Scan is credited to engineer Godsfrey Hounsfield. This was a great discovery in medical history.
  • The First MRI Scan

    The First MRI Scan
    The first Full body MRI Scan on a human was performed on July 7th 1977 . This was an advancement in medical history.
  • Stem Cell Discovery

    Stem Cell Discovery
    Stem cell research was discovered in 1998. The discovery is a method to derive stem cells from human embryos so that they can be groans in a laboratory.
  • Genome Project

    Genome Project
    The human Genome project started in 1990 and ended in April of 2003. The genetic blueprint of the human body was mapped out completely. This was one of the greatest discoveries in medicine.