The history of Medicine

  • 500

    The Surgeon Barber

    The Surgeon Barber
    A strange occurrence from the middle ages is the Barbers that would also perform Surgery. They would do things like teeth pulling and the stupid practice of blood letting. These barbers would also go with the military to help with medical treatments. sadly I can not find any dates for when they were still in practice.
  • 500

    Medical care becomes regulated

    I cant find a date for this one but this is a great event since this made more sure that people would get better care and that they would be treated better for the best chance of healing fully.
  • 500

    The First dissection

    This event technically was in the 200' s but it became major in the middle ages. Sadly no actual date again
  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1300

    Middle Ages

  • 1010

    Avicenna writes The Book of Healing and The Canon of Medicine

    In 1010 Avicenna writes 2 very influential book in the world of medicine.
  • 1249

    Rodger Bacon Invents Spectacles

    Rodger Bacon  Invents Spectacles
    In the year of 1249 Rodger Bacon invents spectacles. He allowed the practically blind and barely blind alike be able to see at 100% percent again. Thanks Rodger.
  • 1301

    Science outweighed spiritual beliefs.

    While it is our job to treat others with their beliefs in mind it is good that we let Science do the talking when it comes to medicine.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1301 to


  • 1302

    The importance of the middle east in science

    We finally started taking a note from science in the middle east when we healed people. The middle east was leagues ahead of Europe back then so it was good we finally took a note from them.
  • 1303

    A stronger use of plants.

    Europe finally started using plants that had a proven effectiveness that were also healthy. It jumped us forward by many years in progression.
  • 1304

    We started killing Bacteria!

    we finally started using things like honey to kill bacteria. This made things more sterile finally!
  • 1347

    The Black Plague starts

    The Black Plague starts
    In 1347 12 trading ships come back from the black sea with the majority of the sailors being dead. With them they brought not only their wears but also a disease that would kill 1/3 of the population in only 2 years.
  • Zacharius Jannssen invents the microscope

    Zacharius Jannssen invents the microscope
    Zacharius in 1590 invented one of the most influential pieces of machinery to ever grace medicine and science.
  • The cure for scurvy and a way to test cures

    No date for this one but we were able to finally help sailors from suffering on the seas and all they had to do was eat an orange every once in a while. This was done by trying a new method to test cures letting us know what was and what was not harmful.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • First Successful appendectomy

    First Successful appendectomy
    In 1747 James Lind performed the first successful appendectomy. This would allow for many peoples lives to be saved in the future.
  • Edward Jenner devolves the process of vaccinations

    Edward Jenner devolves the process of vaccinations
    Edward developed the process of vaccination creating the first vaccine being for smallpox
  • The first stethoscope was invented

    in 1816 France a young man invented the stethoscope. The small copper tube with holes in the top and bottom could be placed to different body parts so we could have a listen.
  • Louis Pasteur

    Louis proved that there was a link between germs, decay, and disease.
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • The blood types were classified

    Karl Landsteiner showed that the people had different types of blood and how to distinguish them from the other blood types.
  • Insulin was first used to treat diabetes

    Insulin was first used to treat diabetes
    as the tittle says we finally started using insulin to treat diabetes. This still helps a lot of people today.
  • First vaccine for tuberuclosis

    First vaccine for tuberuclosis
    This was one of the many vaccines developed during the time that still are in use today.
  • A vaccine for typhus

    Another one of the many vaccines developed during the era, this one of course was for typhus.
  • First pace maker

    John Hopps developed the first cardiac pacemaker. This machine helped to stop abnormal heart beat so people could live longer lives.
  • Period: to

    21st Century

  • anti smoking campaigns become more effective

    anti smoking campaigns become more effective
    People started smoking less which is great for everyone because second hand smoke is very harmful as well.
  • heart disease death drops by 40%

    heart disease death drops by 40%
    People started not having to worry quite as much about heart disease now because we finally found how to help and stop one.
  • Extension of life for people with HIV

    We could use drug therapy to help people with HIV to live longer is great considering how many people have HIV
  • Stem cell editing

    this was probabbly one of the biggest things that stirred the imagination of the public. It allows people to change what others will look like which people like the though of.
  • Low invasive robots for surgery!

    Tiny robots with even smaller hands can now perform a surgery without having to be to invasive. Quick note. Most dates are not accurate due to me not either having one or not wanting to be on the same spot. Most being both.