Period: 500 to 1300
Middle Ages
Medical University
Medical universities were created. -
Discovered the difference between measles and smallpox -
Tracking data
They wrote down knowledge in books. -
Required Licences
Arabs began to requiring physicians pass exams and obtain licenses. -
Islamic Hospitals
healthcare for the sick -
Period: 1301 to
The Renaissance
Ambroise Pare
Was the first to design artificial hands and limbs for amputation patients. -
Andreas Vesalius
Wrote the first book on human anatomy. -
Scientific Method
use of scientific method begins. -
William Harvey
He was the first to recognize the full circulation of the blood in the human body and to provide experiments and arguments to support this idea. -
Plague fleas dicovery
Francis Bacon uses a microscope to discover plague fleas. -
Period: to
Industrial Revolution
First vaccine
Edward Jenner discovered first vaccination. -
Discovery of pathogens
Robert Koch discovered pathogens. -
William Morton
He gave the first successful public demonstration of ether anesthesia during surgery -
Cholera outbreak stopped.
John Snow stops outbreak of cholera. -
Robert Koch
Robert Koch discovered Tuberculosis -
Period: to
Modern World
Karl Landsteiner
He discovered the major blood groups and the development of the ABO system of blood typing that has enabled blood transfusions. -
Discovery of penicillin
Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin -
US FDA was formed. -
Polio Vaccine
Salk discovers polio vaccine -
zantac becomes the worlds biggest prescription drug for stomach ulcers. -
Period: to
21st Century
Cancer vaccine
First vaccine to target a cause of cancer -
Discovery of creating embryonic stem cells.
Scientist Discover how to use human skin cells to create embryonic stem cells. -
Dr. Harlad Zur Hausen
Discovered human papiloma virus causing cervical cancer. -
Dr. Francoise Barre´s
Discovered HIV -
The FDA approves the first human clinical trials in the United States for a wearable artificial kidney