
The history of matter and antimatter (AS2021116)

  • 460 BCE

    Antiquity to 19th Century:

    Antiquity to 19th Century:
    Reference early speculations about the fundamental nature of matter by philosophers like Democritus (circa 460–370 BC), who proposed the existence of indivisible units called "atoms".
  • Atomic Theory

    Atomic Theory
    John Dalton, an English chemist, formulates his atomic theory, proposing that matter is composed of indivisible atoms, each corresponding to a chemical element. This theory provided a conceptual framework for understanding chemical reactions and the conservation of mass in those reactions.
  • Discovery of the Electron

    Discovery of the Electron
    J.J. Thomson discovered the electron, showcasing the first evidence of subatomic particles, which hinted at the complex inner structure of atoms, challenging the notion of atoms as indivisible units.
    The Dawn of Quantum Mechanics and Antimatter.Thomson's experimental setup and how he identified the electron, proving that atoms were divisible and consisted of smaller particles, thus challenging the long-held view of the atom as the smallest unit of matter.
  • Beginning of Quantum Theory

     Beginning of Quantum Theory
    1900-Max Planck introduces the idea of quantized energy levels, proposing that energy is exchanged in discrete quantities (quanta), laying the groundwork for quantum theory.1905: Albert Einstein explains the photoelectric effect using the quantum hypothesis, suggesting that light consists of quanta (later called photons), a pivotal concept for quantum mechanics.
  • Discovery of the Proton

    Discovery of the Proton
    Rutherford published his nuclear theory of the atom, proposing that the atom has a central nucleus that is positively charged and that electrons orbit this nucleus. Rutherford conducted experiments where he bombarded nitrogen gas with alpha particles and observed the first artificial transmutation of one element into another. He also discovered the proton in these experiments
  • Bohr's Model of the matter

    Bohr's  Model of the matter
    Niels Bohr proposes his quantum model of the atom, introducing the idea that electrons orbit the nucleus in quantized orbits without radiating energy, and that the absorption or emission of light corresponds to transitions between these orbits. This model successfully explains the Balmer series and other spectral lines of hydrogen.
  • Dirac's Theory

    Dirac's Theory
    Paul Dirac proposes his equation, predicting the existence of particles with the same mass as electrons but opposite charge and spin, laying the theoretical foundation for antimatter.Explain Paul Dirac's prediction of antimatter as a solution to his relativistic equation for the electron, which implied the existence of an "anti-electron" with the same mass but opposite charge.
  • Discovery of the Positron

    Discovery of the Positron
    Carl Anderson confirms Dirac's prediction by discovering the positron, the antimatter counterpart of the electron, in cosmic rays, marking the first detection of antimatter.
  • Discovery of the Neutron

    Discovery of the Neutron
    James Chadwick conducts experiments with beryllium, alpha particles, and paraffin wax, proving that the radiation observed by Bothe and Becker was actually due to neutral particles, which he identifies as neutrons. This discovery is crucial for the development of nuclear physics, earning him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1935.
  • The discovery of the antiproton and antineutron

    The discovery of the antiproton and antineutron
    The discovery of the antiproton (1955) and antineutron (1956) in particle accelerators, further expanding the understanding of antimatter.Discuss the experiment led by Emilio Segrè and Owen Chamberlain at the Berkeley Bevatron, which resulted in the discovery of the antiproton, earning them the Nobel Prize in Physics.
  • CP Violation Discovery

    CP Violation Discovery
    The discovery by James Cronin and Val Fitch of CP violation in the decay of neutral kaons, challenging the previously held symmetry between matter and antimatter and hinting at reasons for the matter-dominated universe.
  • Theoretical Prediction and Indirect Evidence of Antihydrogen

    Theoretical Prediction and Indirect Evidence of Antihydrogen
    Outline the theoretical predictions and the indirect evidence that led to the eventual production of antihydrogen, the simplest anti-atom, highlighting its importance for comparative studies with hydrogen.
  • First Production of Antihydrogen at CERN:

    First Production of Antihydrogen at CERN:
    CERN scientists successfully produce the first antihydrogen atoms in the laboratory. This experiment, conducted by the CERN team including the ATHENA and ATRAP collaborations, involves bringing together antiprotons and positrons in a high-vacuum environment to form antihydrogen atoms, albeit for a very short time.
  • Antimatter in Medicine (PET Scans)

    Antimatter in Medicine (PET Scans)
    Illustrate the application of positrons in Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans for medical diagnostics, demonstrating a practical use of antimatter in everyday life.The application of positrons in Positron Emission Tomography (PET) becomes a widespread and invaluable tool in medical diagnostics, allowing for detailed imaging of metabolic processes in the body.
  • Advances in Antimatter Research (ALPHA and ATRAP)

    Highlight the experiments at CERN, such as ALPHA and ATRAP, which have succeeded in trapping antihydrogen atoms for extended periods. Discuss the significance of these experiments for testing fundamental principles of physics, such as the symmetry between matter and antimatter and the validity of the Standard Model.
  • Higgs Boson Discovery:

    Higgs Boson Discovery:
    Scientists at CERN announce the discovery of the Higgs boson, a fundamental particle predicted by the Standard Model of particle physics. This discovery is crucial for understanding the mechanism that gives particles mass and has implications for the fundamental structure of matter.
  • Antimatter Laser Spectroscopy:

    Antimatter Laser Spectroscopy:
    Researchers perform the first laser spectroscopy of antihydrogen, comparing it to hydrogen to test Charge-Parity-Time (CPT) symmetry. The measurements show no difference at the precision level of the experiment, consistent with the Standard Model.
  • Capture of the FIrst Image of a Black hole

    Capture of the FIrst Image of a Black hole
    The Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration releases the first-ever "image" of a black hole's event horizon, or shadow, located in the center of the galaxy M87. This milestone confirms predictions of general relativity under extreme gravitational conditions and provides insights into galaxy dynamics.
  • Achievement in Quantum Supremacy

    Achievement in Quantum Supremacy
    Google Al Quantum and collaborators announce that their quantum computer, Sycamore, performed a specific task in 200 seconds that would take the world's most powerful supercomputer 10,000 years to complete, -enchmark for quantum supremacy. This represents ↓ a significant step forward in quantum computing.
  • Gravitational Behaviour of Antihydrogen

    Gravitational Behaviour of Antihydrogen
    Experiments such as ALPHA-g at CERN aim to measure how antihydrogen responds to gravity, addressing the fundamental question of whether antimatter falls upwards—an aspect that could revolutionize our understanding of gravity and the universe.