The History of Libya

  • 74 BCE

    Romans conquer Libya

  • Mar 20, 643

    Arabs conquer Libya and spread Islam.

  • Mar 20, 1500

    16th century

    Libya becomes part of the Ottoman Empire, which joins the three provinces of Tripolitania, Cyrenaica and Fezzan into one regency in Tripoli.
  • Italy seizes Libya from the Ottomans. Omar al-Mukhtar begins 20-year insurgency against Italian rule.

  • Libya becomes independent under King Idris al-Sanusi

  • Libya grants two American oil companies a concession of some 14 million acres.

  • The Gaddafi era

    1980 - Libyan troops intervene in civil war in northern Chad.
  • Jumbo jet crashes onto Lockerbie

  • Libya returns the Aozou Strip to Chad.

  • Libyan troops help to quell a coup attempt against President Ange-Felix Patasse of the Central African Republic.

  • Russia agrees to sell Libya weapons in a deal worth $1.8bn. The deal is thought to include fighter jets, tanks and air defence systems.

  • Period: to


    Libya is able to export oil for the first time thanks to a 104 mile pipeline.