
The History of Jamestown

  • Landing at and settling in Jamestown

    Landing at and settling in Jamestown
    "In 1607, three ships sent by the Virginia Company sailed into the deep bay now called the Chesapeake. The 105 colonists aboard sailed up a river they named the James, in honor of their king. Along the shore, they built the settlement of Jamestown." John Smith was the leader and founder of Jamestown. Jamestown was England's First Permanent Colony in North America.
  • Period: to

    JamesTown History from 1607 to 1624

    There were many events that took place during this time span, which affected the lives of many people. These events also affected the ability of Jamestowns success as a settlement.
  • John Rolfe Brought Tobacco Plants.

    John Rolfe Brought Tobacco Plants.
    Shortly after settling in Jamestown a man named John Rolfe brought tobacco plants from the West Indies to the colony. The colonists were soon growing tobacco as a cash crop—a crop that people grow to sell. The Virginia Company sold tobacco all over Europe and made huge profits.
  • Pocahontas,was kidnapped

    Pocahontas,was kidnapped
    1613, an English settler kidnapped Pocahontas, hoping her father would pay for her freedom.
  • Pocahontas married John Rolfe

    Pocahontas married John Rolfe
    While Pocahontas was held by the English, Pocahontas met John Rolfe. They were married in 1614 t hedisplacednation.com
  • Pocahantis and john Rolfe had a baby went to England

    Pocahantis and john Rolfe had a baby went to England
    1616, Pocahontas, Rolfe, and their baby son, Thomas, went to England. www.pinterest.com
  • In 1619, the first Africans were brought to Jamestown.

    In 1619, the first Africans were brought to Jamestown.
    "No one knows whether they were treated as indentured servants or as enslaved people. Over time, more Africans were brought to the colony. They came as enslaved workers." "Their hard work helped Virginia prosper."
  • The House of Burgesses

    The House of Burgesses
    By 1619, the Virginia Colony had more than 1,000 people. Laws were needed to keep order. The Virginia Company said the colonists could have the same rights as people living in England. So colonists chose to set up a legislature, or lawmaking branch of the government. Virginia´s legislature, the House of Burgesses (BER•juhs•iz), met in 1619.
  • The Powhatan Wars

    The Powhatan Wars
    As more colonists came to Virginia, they took over more Powhatan land. In 1622, the Powhatan fought back. This started years of fighting.
  • Royal Colony

    Royal Colony
    The Powhatan Wars led King James I to make Virginia a royal colony in 1624. This meant that the king owned the colony.