In 1949 Father Roberto Busa began to make an index verborum about 11 million words.
1970 Symposium in Cambridge
The focal point computing in humanities. -
Development of the Association for the Literary and Linguistic
Every year they would produce up to 3 bulletins for every other association to follow. -
Apple Macintosh
- graphical user interface
- program to build hypertexts easily
- write computer programs easily
The Association for Computers
This association had developed out of the International Conference of Computing. -
Beowulf Workstation
Created by Patrick Conner Patrick Conner -
Electronic Mail
Facilities for sending and recieving electronic mail across international boundaries
Provided by most academic computing services -
The Journal
They had a journal called the the Literary and Linguistic computing -
Humanities Computing Yearbook
First edited by Ian Lancashire and Willard McCarty -
First Web Browser
The first Web browser, Mosaic, is created. -
First Search Engine
Open Text SGML -
First Archive
The Orlando Project creates an archive of Women's Writing. Short biographies, histories, and world events are included. -
Multimedia files can be hyperlinked with words.