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The history of graffiti

  • Taki 183

    Taki 183
    Boys like Taki 183 started writing their names in the subway, on doors, and other public places
  • Graffiti became famous

    Graffiti became famous
    Taki 183 made the New York Times and became the first famous graffiti writer in the city.
  • Throw ups became popular

    Throw ups became popular
    Writers started making throw ups, and using spray paint.
  • War on graffiti

    War on graffiti
    The mayor of New York City declared war on graffiti
  • Murals

    Murals began to appear aorund the city.
  • Crews

    Competetion between crews
  • Tough time

    Tough time
    Tough time for writers. The laws against graffiti became tougher