The History of Georgia, by Sarah Jane Schoy

By sjschoy
  • Jan 1, 1525

    Spanish missions

    Starting now is when the spanish missions began and ended about 1646. During these missions they established churches along rivers to spread catholoism and to mark their teritory.
  • Jan 1, 1539

    Hernando De Soto

    Hernando De Soto
    Hernando De Soto traveled up through what is now known as Florida and went all around and died during this mission in Luisiana.
  • Virginia Colony

    Britains first colony from 1607-1776. A small group of wealthy men had thought of colonizing it. Britain hoped it would bring them wonderful treasures and riches like the spanish colonies had gotten.
  • Massachusetts colony founded

    Massachusetts colony founded
    The puritans wanted to colonize a place where they could practice worship freely. John Winthrop helped by joining and would later become the govenor.
  • Georgia colony founded with Charter of 1732

    This was founded by James Oglethorpe. King george sent him there to establish a colony for debtors to work. Fort George was made in georgia to keep the spanish from invading too.
  • the War of Jenkins Ear

    The war was between the spanish and the British, they were fighting over trading in their colonies. A ship from Britain came and the Spanish searched for illegal goods. During one of the searches the captin of the ship Rebecca, Robert Jenkins, ear was cut off.
  • The Battle of Bloody Marsh

    One of the only attacks by the Spanish on Georgia in St. Simons island. this attack ocurred during the War of Jenkins' Ear.