Magnavox Odyssey
The first ever home console; predates Atari and the prototype of the system is in the Smithsonian museum -
Atari game that became the first ever wide spread popular game -
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First Generation
The first ever generation of video game consoles. -
First major movie about video games. Used heavy amounts of CGI to create visual effects -
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Third Generation
Third generation of consoles, saw major releases of popular franchises like Mario and Final Fantasy -
Video game market crash
Market was over-saturated with consoles and poor games. Lasted 2 years and was ended by the release of the NES and Super Mario Bros. -
Handheld Games
first handheld game systems launched Game Boy and Sega Game Gear -
Launched in 1980, it became the most popular arcade game to this date and generated $2.5 billion by 1990 -
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5th Generation
Fifth generation of games that saw the release of N64 and PlayStation, and started some of the first console rivalries. PC also became a major gaming platform -
Xbox 360
Xbox system that made it a very popular system among gamers that made the franchise a power house in gaming -
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7th Generation
This generation of gaming pushed gaming to it's limits and showed what gaming systems were capable of. -
3rd PlayStation system to be released. Used Blu-ray discs for games and started PlayStation network. -
Nintendo Wii
Revolutionary system that made many games tailored for group settings. Did better in sales than PS3 and Xbox 360