The First Game is Created
The first game created was Knotts and Crosses this tic tac toe type of game was made by a man named A. S. Dougles at Cambridge University the date that this was actually made is unknown -
The Second Game is Made
Scientist William A. Higginbotham made the game Tennis for Two the first american game made the date of creation is unknown -
Space War !
MIT's Steven Russell makes the game Space War! out of a PDP-1 computer (date is unknown) -
Games are Patented
Raplh H. Baer applies for a U. S patent for televistion gameing and traning apparatus but later sells it to Magnavox who sues other home console makers for money (date is unknown) -
First Arcade Type Game
Noland Bushell makes Computer Space the fist coin opperated arcade game -
The Oddessy is Made
Magnavox created the Oddesy with the game ping-pong -
The Fairchild
the Fiarchild or channel f was one of the first consols to use micro chips -
atari 2600
The Atari 2600is the first system made by atari -
back then when Atari was the dominate in the xgame industry Mattel challenged their dominance by making intelavision or inteligent televison -
Nintendo Entertanment System (NES)
the NES or nintendo enteranment system was an 8 bit system do to its price of $800 dollars at the time this was later voted as the best consol of all time by IGN -
Gameboy the First Portable Game Divice
as games advanced nintendo decided to take it to the next level with portablety this was the first portable console -
The Neo-Geo
this console used a 24 bit system with extreamly detailed grafics in 2-D -
the Super NES
the Super NES was one of the best 16 bit game consoles of its time with some of the best games -
this system was the first to start the 32 bit era with games in 3-D -
Nintendo 64
this system used cartriges which made loading much faster then CD roms -
playstation 2
this system was the first to have a 128 bit system with the ability to play older games and play dvds -
microsoft made the xbox useing PC tecnology making games run much smother then other 128 bit consoles -
gameboy advaced
this portable system just had a small update that used LEDs so it could show over 32,000 colors -
nintendo ds
its someting with two screens and one is a touch screen -
the psp (playstation portable)
its like a PDA but the last two letters are different but it also has good grafics -
playstation 3
its like the psp but a home console but IT GOT HAKED!!!!! -
The Wii
motion control to ply and crappy games -
xbox 360
xbox live was added and better graphics and it didnt get haked