The History of french English Relations in Canada

  • World War One Conscription Crisis

    World War One Conscription Crisis
    Political and Military crisis in Canada during World War I. It was mainly caused by disagreement on whether men should be conscripted to fight in the war. Strained realations between French & English speaking Canadians.
  • Creation of the Union Nationale Party

    Creation of the Union Nationale Party
    In Quebec Maurice Dupplesis, a former Conservative joined forces with disillusioned Liberals to form the Union nationale, a party that supported Quebec Nationalism
  • Period: to

    The Duplesiss Era/The Great Darkness

    Maurice Duplesses was the premier of Quebec between 1936-1939 and 1944 and 1959. Opposed centralization by federal Government. Stong Traditionalist.
    Dark Era: Discouraged schools. If people chose to go to school they would be turning their backs on Catholicism. Kept Wages of industrial jobs low to deter people from leaving farms. Duplessis prevented industrialiization, technology and education from surfacing. This limeted them to the rest of Canada
  • World War Two Conscription Crisis

    World War Two Conscription Crisis
    By 1943, volunteer soldier rates had dramatically declined. The Canadian government was worried that Canada would not be able to maintain an effective armed forces. The government introduced consciption
  • Separatist Movement

    Separatist Movement
    Seperatism is Born: FLQ (Front de liberation du Quebec) forms this radical terrorist group seeking the 'freedom' of Quebec.
  • Quiet Revolution Begins

    Quiet Revolution Begins
    -Jean Lesage (Liberal) replaces Duplessis & begins modernizing the economy, poltitcs, educations & culture.
    -Students now require to take science & technology cources to prepare for the NEW Quebec.
    -Influence of the catholic Church declined. Period called the Quiet Revolution because it was both peacful but dramatic.
  • Maitre Chez Nous

    Maitre Chez Nous
    Liberals win election by campaining under the motto, "Maitres chez nous" -masters of our own house. Aim: to strenghten control of Que's own economy. Case in point: "Hydro-Quebec" (pg. 218)
  • Front de liberation du Quebec FLQ party is formed

    Front de liberation du Quebec FLQ party is formed
    Seperatism is Born: FLQ (front de liberation du Quebec) forms. This is a radical terrorist group seeking the 'freedom' of Quebec
  • Bi& Bi Commission (Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism) investigation by Lester B. Pearson

    Bi& Bi Commission (Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism) investigation by Lester B. Pearson
    Lester Pearson (become PM during Quebec's Quiet Revolution) convinced that Canada would face crisis unless French Canadians felt more at home in CAN. 1963, he appointed the Royal Commission on Bilingualsism and Biculturalism ("Bi and Bi Commission") to investigate solutions. The Commission's report called for Canada to become bilingual, with English and French as its two official languages. It recomended that CAN adopt a bilingual strategy that promote both languages across the nation.
  • Canada’s New Flag

    Canada’s New Flag
    -The debate divided Canadians as the French in Quebec wanted the fluer-de-lis to remain as part of a symbol of Canada
    -Canada's maple leaf flag flies for the first time
  • Canada’s Immigration Policy becomes “Colour Blind”

    Canada’s Immigration Policy becomes “Colour Blind”
    -WW1 to 1960s Canada has a restrictive immigration policy. (Br, Northern Euorpeans & Americans preffered)
    -1962 new immigration regulations remove most limitations on Asian, African etc...
    -1967 it was deemed colour blind bcause: -Now 'points system' used as party od criteria for entry. -Cnd econ. Required ppl with training & specific skills & certain education
    -Rene Levesque forms the part Quebecois 1968 because he wanted a peaceable seperation with Canada
  • Official Languages Act passed

    Official Languages Act passed
    Trudeau's first major legislative push was implementing the majority of recommendations of Pearson's Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism via the Official Languages Act, which made French and English the co-equal official languages of the Federal government.
  • Trudeau Becomes Prime Minister

    Trudeau Becomes Prime Minister
    began his political career as a lawyer, intellectual, and activist in Quebec politics. 1960s, entered federal politics by joining the Liberal Party of Canada. Appointed as Lester B. Pearson's Parliamentary Secretary, later becoming his Minister of Justice. Became a media sensation, inspiring "Trudeaumania", and took charge of the Liberals in 1968, became PM, then retired from politics in 1984, and John Turner succeeded him as PM.
  • War Measures Act

    War Measures Act
    Deffenition: The War Measures Act was a statute of the Parliament of Canada that provided for the declaration of war, invasion, or insurrection, and the types of emergency measures that could thereby be taken.
  • FLQ Crisis aka October Crisis,

    FLQ Crisis aka October Crisis,
    The October Crisis was a crisis that involved the kidnapping and murder of Pierre Laporte, a provincial cabinet minister, and the kidnapping and subsequent release of James Cross, a British diplomat, by members of the Front de libération du Québec. The events took place during October 1970 in the province of Quebec, Canada, mainly in the Montreal metropolitan area. (LOOK AT WAR MEASURES ACT ON TIMELEINE)
  • Policy of Multiculturalism

    Policy of Multiculturalism
  • Bill 22 introduced by Robert Bourassa

    Bill 22 introduced by Robert Bourassa
    The Official Language Act of 1974 (French Loi sur la langue officielle), also known as Bill 22, was an act of the National Assembly of Quebec, commissioned by Premier Robert Bourassa, which made French the sole official language of Quebec, Canada.
  • Immigration policy moves to ‘sponsorship program’

  • Parti Quebecois wins provincial election on Quebec

    Parti Quebecois wins provincial election on Quebec
    Quebec votes Parti Quebecois (led by Rene Levesque) as provincial gov’t. Levesque promises Quebec separation by first holding a province-wide referendum.
  • Bill 101 introduced by Parti Quebecois, Rene Levesque

    Bill 101 introduced by Parti Quebecois, Rene Levesque
    PQ passes Bill 101 aka the “Charter of the French Language”. This replaced Bill 22. This made Fr. the only official language of the province, (i.e. Que gov’t employees, commercial signs, & schooling).
  • Bill 101 passed

    Bill 101 passed
    PQ passes Bill 101 aka the “Charter of the French Language”. This replaced Bill 22. This made Fr. the only official language of the province, (i.e. Que gov’t employees, commercial signs, & schooling).
  • Referendum on Sovereignty Association

    Referendum on Sovereignty Association
    Levesque’s gov’t calls referendum asking Quebeckers to vote ‘yes’ to negotiating a new agreement with Canada based on sovereignty-association. He proposed that Quebec become politically independent, yet maintain a close economic relationship w/ Canada.
    Result of 1980 Referendum:
    40% Yes to sovereignty-association
    60% No
  • Constitution Act

    Constitution Act
    the 1982 act embodying the constitution of Canada and including the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as well as provisions of the British North America Act
  • Patriation of the Constitution

    Patriation of the Constitution
    The patriation process saw the provinces granted influence in constitutional matters and resulted in the constitution being amendable by Canada only and according to the Canadian amending formula, with no role for the Parliament of the United Kingdom. Hence, patriation is associated with the acquisition of full sovereignty.
  • Brian Mulroney becomes Prime Minister

    Brian Mulroney becomes Prime Minister
    Leader of the conservative party. Memebr of parliment for central Nova 1983-84. pledge to bring Québec to the Constitution "with honour and enthusiasm" was decisive in persuading many Québec nationalists to support the Conservatives. The party took 58 of its seats in the province, the breakthrough that Mulroney had promised would take place under his leadership. He was sworn in as the 18th prime minister on 17 September 1984.
  • Reform Party Created

    Reform Party Created
    Mulroney promised gain Quebec’s consent to the constitution ‘with honour & enthusiasm”. Robert Bourassa (Liberal-Federalist) in office in Quebec at this time (replaces Levesque).But Canada had other problems: -Growing Western Alienation due to Oil Crisis of 1970s-Ab & Nfld wanted senate reforms-Ottawa awarded a multi billion dollar contract to Que rather than Winnipeg etc..
  • Meech Lake Accord

    Meech Lake Accord
    PM Mulroney calls Premiers to Conference at Meech Lake proposing amendments to the constitution. One Amendment was called the “Meech Lake Accord” which offered to
    1) recognize Quebec as a distinct society
    2) give more power to the Provinces (i.e. veto power)
    see p. 180 of Falk for the rest of the Accord.
    As such, Meech became known as the Quebec Round of constitutional amendments.
  • Bloc Quebecois Formed

    Bloc Quebecois Formed
    Lucien Bouchard (a powerful member of Mulroney’s Cabinet, resigned in protest & formed the Bloc Quebecois.
  • Deptartment of Multiculturalism formed

  • Meech Lake Accord

    Meech Lake Accord
    Bourassa & Quebeckers support Meech Lake (language, culture). Trudeau hates it (isolate Francs of Quebec, rather than make them more apart of Confederation). others worried about other cultural groups & Aboriginal peoples. Manitoba led by Aboriginal, Elijah Harper opposed Meech b/c it d/n recognize Aboriginals as a ‘distinct society’ Quebeckers felt it was Cnds rejecting Que. The desire to separate increases to 64% by late 1990s
  • Charlottetown Accord

    Charlottetown Accord
    PM Mulroney continues constitution debate & appoints a ‘Citizens Forum’ to travel across the nation to hear the views of Cnds on the future of the Constitution.New Proposal: Charlottetown Accord which was similar to the Meech Lake Accord.Charlottetown Accord Proposed: 1) reforming the Senate making it an elected body with equal representation from all parts of the country –important for Western Provinces 2)Aboriginal Self-Gov’t 3)universal health care 4) workers rights 5)environmental protectec
  • Parti Quebecois returned to power

    Parti Quebecois returned to power
    On 4 September 2012, the Parti Québécois won the provincial election, defeating the Liberal government of Jean Charest, which had been in power for nine years. The PQ was called on to form a minority government, and Pauline Marois became the first female premier in the history of Québec.
  • 2nd Referendum on Sovereignty Association

    2nd Referendum on Sovereignty Association
    Que. is angered by constitution debates & re-elect Parti Quebecois leader in provincial election (Premier Jacques Parizeau)
    Parizeau calls referendum on full sovereignty Oct 30, 1995
    49.4% of Quebeckers vote yes, 50.6% vote no.Nation in state of shock.No permanent settlement was clear. Bouchard became Premier again and revisited sovereignty while PM Jean Chretien began guidelines for a future vote on Quebec on the same issue.
  • Clarity Bill and the Supreme Court decision

    Clarity Bill and the Supreme Court decision
    In 1995, Quebec was angered by the constitutional debates and decided to re-elect Jacque Parizeau, a staunch separatist. A second Referendum was called on Quebec Sovereignty but the outcome even more undesirable than the first. 49.4 percent of Quebecers voted yes but the majority, 50.9 voted no. In the end Courts ruled that Quebec did not have the right to separate and would have to negotiate their proposed separation with the other provinces of Canada.