The History of French English Relations in Canada

  • WW1 Concription Crisis

    WW1 Concription Crisis
    The French were not in support of sending troops to the European Front because they believed they had already contributed enough. Conscription Crisis
  • Creation of the Union Nationale

    Creation of the Union Nationale
    Union Nationale A Quebec political party that was founded in 1935 and dissovled in 1989 which was lead by Maurice Duplesiss. Advocated in social, political, and economic reform.
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    The Duplesiss Era

    Duplesiss believed that Quebec should be a "distinct society" and a seperate "nation" from the other provinces. Religion played a huge role during this time.
  • WW2 Conscription Crisis

    WW2 Conscription Crisis
    Conscription in CanadaThe Liberal government promised that there would be no mandatory conscription during the war. However as the war progressed more Canadians were in favor of conscription so the government passed the War Measures Act in 1943.
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    Duplesiss Era/ Great Darkness

    Bribery and Coruption and were trademarks of his governent. Expected companies to return favors for things he did in there favor.
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    Seperatist Movement

    The Quiet Revolution brought up the re-emergence of the seperation movement. This movement caused the creation of the FLQ and new political parties.
  • Quiet Revolution Begins

    Quiet Revolution Begins
    Quiet Revolution The quiet revolution was a period of rapid change in Quebec during the 60's. The reforms included social, political, and economic changes.
  • Maitre Chez Nous

    Maitre Chez Nous
    Maitre Chez NousThis was the philosphy created by the government to increased reform and change in the economic and political form.
  • Front de Liberation du Quebec LQ party formed

    Front de Liberation du Quebec LQ party formed
    FLQThe FLQ was a revoluntionary reform group that was intent on destroying all symbols of the federal government. They set fire to buildings , placed bombs, and even kidnapped two government figures.
  • Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism

    Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism
    Royal Commission on Bilingualism and BiculturalismThe Commision recommended to the commitee to make Canada officially bilingual. They believed this would appease the french population to protect their language.
  • Canada's new flag

    Canada's new flag
    National Flag of CanadaCanada's new flag was a symbol of national unity. It's goal was to unite Canada since the government was worried about growing unrest in Quebec. It also further showed that Canada was its own nation, separate from Britain.
  • "Colour Blind" Immigration Policy

    Immigration Policy
    The new immigration policy removed most limitations from most on Asian, African Americans, and other ethnic groups. This made french not the only other cultural group recognized in Canada.
  • Trudeau becomes Prime Minister

    Trudeau becomes Prime Minister
    Pierre Trudeau
    Trudeau becomes Prime Minister and brings social change. He is very well liked and believed that "the government has no part in the bedroom of Canadians"
  • Official Language Act

    Official Language Act
    Official Languages ActThis act made French and English the official languages of Canada. It required all federal institutions to be given in both languages.
  • War Measures Act

    War Measures Act
    War Measures Act
    This was the only time this act was put into effect because of a domestic issue. It gave broad powers to the federal government and limits the freedoms of Canadians.
  • FLQ Crisis

    FLQ Crisis
    October CrisisThis began with the kidnapping of James Cross, but then became the gravest attack that happened on Canadian soil when a Pierre Laporte was kidnapped and murdered.
  • Policy of Multiculturalism

    Policy of Multiculturalism
    Policy of Multiculturalism
    This policy encourged people to express their cultures and participate in multicultural activities. This increased Canad's diversity.
  • Bill 22

    Bill 22
    This Bill made French the official language of Quebec. With the declining birth rates, he was worried that the French language would disapear.
  • Sponsorship Program

    Sponsorship Program
    Immigration PolicyThe new plicy allows a sponsorship of new immigrants by Canadians. Helps them to adjust to their new life in Canada.
  • Parti Quebecois wins provincial election in Quebec

    Parti Quebecois wins provincial election in Quebec
    Parti QuebecoisThe PQ's victory was mostly due to the promise of holding a sovreignty-association referendum within the first year of office. During their time they passed bills like Bill 101 and the Quebec Language Policy.
  • Bill 101 (Charter of the French Language)

    Bill 101 (Charter of the French Language)
    This made french the only language of Quebec. Many French Canadians felt Bill 101 was a symbol of oppression as it discouraged their movement outside Quebec and their ability to conduct business with English Canadian.
  • Quebec Referendum on Sovereinty-Assosiation

    Quebec Referendum on Sovereinty-Assosiation
    Quebec Referendum Rene Levesque asked people of Quebec to vote 'yes' to negotiating a new agreement with Canada based on Sovreinty-assosiation. He proposed that Quebec become politically independant, yet maintain a close economic relationship with Canada. The results were 40% yes and 60% no.
  • Constitution is Patriated without Quebec's signature

    Constitution is Patriated without Quebec's signature
    constitution patriated without QuebecBritain and Trudeau wanted to have the Charter of Rights and Freedoms added to the BNA Act and bring it home. Needed to come up with Amending Formula but premiers coouldnt agree,
  • Constitution Act

    Constitution Act
    Constitution Act
    Consisted of BNA Act, Charter of Rights and Freedom, and Amending cause.
  • Reform Party Created

    Reform Party Created
    Reform PartyPM Brian Mulony wanted Quebec's signature on the Constitution with "honor and enthusiasm". Reform Party is born out of feelings of: Western Alienation, Senate Reform, French-English Rift, and Aborginal Self-Government.
  • Department of Multiculturalism formed

    Department of Multiculturalism formed
    Multiculturalism Belief in the Candian "Mosasic" rather than the US's "Melting Pot". Discouraged assimilation but encouraged expressing your culture.
  • Bloc Quebecois Formed

    Bloc Quebecois Formed
    Bloq QuebecoisBloq Quebecois
    It was lead by a former Conservative cabinet minister after the failure of the Meech Lake Accord.
  • Meech Lake Accord

    Meech Lake Accord
    Meech Lake Accord The Quebec Government refused to sign the revised constitution so the Prime Minister aranged the Meech Lake Accord which was an arangement between the provincial and federal governments to amend the Constitution.
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    Meech Lake Accord

    Meech Lake AccordPM Mulrony calls a Conference at Meech Lake proposing constitutional amendments. The purpose was to recognize Quebec as a Distinct Society and give more power to the provinces. It became known as the Quecbec Round in the media. When Meech failed, Fr-Can felt Engl-speaking Canada was rejecting them.
  • Meech Lake Accord

    Meech Lake Accord
    Meech Lake Accord
    The Premiers finally reached an agreement in 1990.
  • Charlottetown Accord

    Charlottetown Accord
    Charlottetown Accord
    It was a failed attempt by the 10 premiers and the Prime Minister, Brian Mulroney to amend the Canadian Constitiution. They wanted to obtain Quebec's signature.
  • Parti Quebecois returned to power

    Parti Quebecois returned to power
    Parti Quebecois
    After they won the provincial election the government held another referendum seeking for separation, but the proposal was again rejected.
  • 2nd Referendum on Sovereignty Association

    2nd Referendum on Sovereignty Association
    Seocnd Referendum on Sovereignty AssociationDespite popular opinion the 2nd referendum on Sovreignty-Association failed.
  • Clarity Bill and the Supreme Court decision

    Clarity Bill and the Supreme Court decision
    Bill C-20
    The bill was made to amend the 1867 Constitution Act. Although there was critisism on both sides of the house the bill passed.