WW1 Conscription Crisis
There was strained relations bein the European theatre and opposed tween French and English speaking Canadians. By the middle of the war French Canadians felt they had done enough and opposed seding more troops to the front -p. 58 in workbook -Link: http://www.warmuseum.ca/firstworldwar/history/life-at-home-during-the-war/recruitment-and-conscription/conscription-1917/ -
Creation of the Union Nationale Party
A conservatice and nationalist provincial political party in Quebec, Canada, that identified with Québécois autonomism. It was created during the Great Depression and held power in Quebec from 1936 to 1939, and from 1944 to 1960 and from 1966 to 1970. The party was founded by Maurice Duplessis, who led it until his death in 1959. -p.171 Link:http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/union-nationale/ -
Period: to
Duplessis / Era of Greatness
Duplessis was known for suprting the Catholic Church and Catholic Education. Resulting in Quebec schools graduating many teachers, philosophers, NOT buissnesmen, entrepreneurs etc.. As a result, Quebecs's economy becomes stagnant. Duplessis was the Primeier of Quebec , and the leader of the Union Nationale Party. He beleived Quebec should be more recognized as a distinct society. Bribery and c corruption were also its trademarks. -
WW2 Conscription Crisis
By 1942 reserves were startingly low and Hitler had controlled all of Europe, raising the need for conscripts. By the time they were trained the war was mostly over. French - English relations were strained but were no broken. Link:http://www.canadahistory.com/sections/eras/wwii/Conscription.html -
The Quiet Revolution
Jean Lesage replaces Duplessis after he died and starts mondernizing education, politics, and culture. It was deemed "Quiet" because there was no bloodshead. Lesage actually won the election under the moto "Matire chez-nous" - meaning masters of our own house. -
The FLQ Party is Created
The Front de libération du Québec (FLQ) was an exreme seperatist organization -
The Quebec Seperatist movement gains momentum
See FLQ (Front de libération du Québec) Link:http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/separatism/ -
Canada Gets a new Flag
Under the Pearson government it was deceide dot have a flag without a British Symbol on it. It also acted as a means to unity fot the country. Link: http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/flag-of-canada/ -
Canada's Immigration Policy becomes color blind
Prior to this the immigration policy was restrictive, giving preference to english speaking (British or US) applicants. Now the policy was was based on the points system wher eapplications were scored. Jobs in need in Canada were given higher points than jobs in les demand etc.. Link: http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/immigration-policy/ -
Official Languages Act Passed
This made Canada an official bilingual nation. This was a product of the research and fact-finding mission of the Bi - and Bi Commission, a.k.a The Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism. They discovered that French Canadians alienation from the rest of canada was growing and becoming problematic. The commission recommentded bilingualism in an attempt to unify the country. Link: http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/official-languages-act-1969/ -
FLQ Crisis / October Crisis & The War Measures Act
After growing separatist sentiments, the FLQ stepped up their acts of agression by kidnapping the British diplomat, James Cross. The FLQ demanded the release of their FLQ prisoners before they released Cross. The FLQ later kidnaps Pierre La Porte (Trudeau enacts WMA) but La Porte's body is found in the trunk of a car.-p.173/174 Link:http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/october-crisis/ -
Trudeau Enacts Policy of Multiculturaism
(Recall that Trudeau is a Federalist - he beleives unifiying Canada, not a French seperatist) Multiculturaism encouraged people to express their cultures and in doing so, would de-emphasize the French as the only cultural group in Canada. -
Bill 22 Introduced by Robert Bourassa
This made French the only language of Quebec. (Not bilingual like the rest of Canada). The rationale was the declining birth rates in Quebec saw the slow death of French - Canada Link: http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/bill-22/ -
Immigration Policy allows for the Sponsorship Probgram
Families and Buisiness could "vouch for" or sponsor a new immigrant, meaning they would take responsibility for this new person's setup in Canada. Link:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/publications/legacy/chap-6.asp -
Parti Quebecois Passes Bill 101
This bill was similar to that of Bill 22, but also required all sinage to change to French in Quebec, including all government officies and schools. http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/bill-101/ -
Parti Quebecois wins the Quebec General Election
At the time the party was led by Renee Levesque. Levesque promised Quebecs seperation by holding a provincial referendum. Link:http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/parti-quebecois/ -
Quebec Referendum on Sovereignty Association
Rene Levesque (Leader of Parti Quebecois) asked the people of Quebec to vote "yes" to negotiating a new agreement with Canada based on Sovereignty Association. He propsed that Quebec become politically independent, yet maintain a close economic relationship to Canada. The results were 40% "Yes", and 60% "No" to Sovereignty Association. -
Canadian Constitution Patriated without Quebecs Signature
Backround: BNA Act was in Britain and Trudeau wanted to have the Charter of Rights and Freedoms added to it & wanted to bring it home. First he needed to come up with an Amending Formula if there were any changes to be made. Unfortunatley the Permiers could not agree on that formula. They stumbled on a Kitchen Comprimise. (Quebec did not agree) -
Brian Mulrouney elected as Prime Minister
Brian Mulrouney was a member of the Progressive Conservative Party. Mulrouney wanted Quebec's signature on the Constitution with honor and enthusiasm. -
Period: to
Meech Lake Accord / Formation of Bloc Quebecois
Prime Minister Mulrouney calls a conference at Meech Lake proposing constituional amendendments. The purposes: 1.) To recognize Quebec as a "Distinct Society" 2.) To give more power to the provinces. The Meech Lake Accord became known as The Quebec Rant in the media. When Meech failed, French Canada felt English speaking Canada were rejecting them. Lucien Bouchard resigns from PM Mulrouney's cabinet and forms the Bloc Quebecois. -
Reform Party of Canada Created
The reform party was lead by Preston Manning. Their main foucuses were Western Alienation in Canada, Senate Reform, The tension between the French and English in Canada, and Aboriginal Self Government. -
The Department of Multiculturalism Formed
The Charlottetown Accord
Prime Minister Mulrouney continued the Constitution debates. The Charlottetown Accord proposed: 1.) Reforming the Senate. 2.) Aborignal Self Government. 3.) Universal Health Care. 4.) Workers Rights. 5.) Universal Protection. This was called the Canada Round because there was something for every province. 54.4% of Canadians rejected the Charlottetown Accord because there were too many clauses. Quebec felt their issues were not addressed. -
Parti Quebecois Returned to Power in Quebec
Parti Quebecois Re-elected as the Provincial Party for Quebec -
2nd Referendum on Sovereignty Association
Quebec is angered by Constitution debates and re-elected Parti Quebecois leader Jacques Parizeau. Parizeau calls a referendum on full sovereignty. 49.4% Vote Yes. 50.6% Vote No. -
The Clarity Act
Also known as Bill C-20. Prime Minister Jean Crecien sent the issue of Quebec serperation to the Supreme Court. The Court ruled that Quebec did not have a right to seperate and would have to negotiate with the 9 other provinces.