the history of video games games

By 2157212
  • pong

    pong was released being the first video game
  • maze war was created

    it was the first true first person 3d shooter
  • nasa

    NASA is credited with making the first fps game
  • the era of arcades

    there where arcade fps's such as battle zone and gun buster
  • the game that changed the genre as a whole

    wolfenstein 3d was revolutionary because it made it so that the computer only generated what the player could see instead of generating everything else. it was said that this game created the genre.
  • doom

    doom was the beginning of a rise in the fps genre because the engine it was made on was revolutionary because it allowed different heights of floors and different shading.
  • then came the story

    half life changed the way fps's could be about before it was just shoot everything you see but this game actually put a story in it.
  • unreal

    the unreal engine was released and to this day it is still one of the most prominent game engines
  • unreal tournement

    this was the first fps to be focused on multiplayer game play.
  • spartan

    halo was released becoming one of the most popular fps games ever
  • the lore

    halo was one of the first games to put you in a deeply lore based universe
  • a new type of console

    the xbox was released
  • cod

    call of duty was released sparking a franchise that to this day is still pumping out today
  • team control

    in 2005 we saw a new type of game in the form of brute force in which you control an AI squad as there commander
  • portal

    portal was a new type of fps games because you were handed an portal gun instead of a traditional one
  • minecraft

    minecraft was released
  • 2020

    2020 made everyone go home but it also made video games boom with games like among us and fall guys taking over the web.
  • the future

    with the next generation of consoles being released who knows what will happen next and if there will be any major changes in the way fps games are made