Carl Wilhelm Scheele
-Carl Wilhelm Scheele was a Swedish Scientist
-First person to develop a test for detecting poison in corpses
-The start of scientific advances that would make up forensics -
Mathieu Orfila
-Considered the father of forensic toxicology
-Published first scientific treatise on the detection of poison and the effects on animals.
-Established forensic toxicology as a legitimate scientific field -
Alphonse Bertillon
-Alphonse Bertillon was a french scientist who helped further anthropology and morphology
-Bertillon developed the first system of personal identification
-The system took a series of body measurements and this test earned him the title of the father of criminal identification. -
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson
-The most well known detective in the 19th century was a fictional character written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes
-Helped popularize the crime genre in fiction
-Sherlock Holmes is known for using new methods of forensic science and bizzare adventures -
First use of Fingerprinting in Forensics
-U.S. microscopist Thomas Taylor was the first to suggest that fingerprints were a means of identification
-Taylor's his findings were supported by Scottish physician Henry Faulds in his research paper, Nature
-Englishman Francis Henry Galton found the first statistical evidence and published the findings in his book, Finger Prints -
Dr. Karl Landsteiner
-Dr. Karl Landsteiner was an Austrian biologist
-He was the first to discover different blood types, such as A, B, AB, and O -
Edmund Locard
-Edmond Locard was a Frenchman who radically changed the field of forensics
-Locard was the first to use the scientific method in a forensic investigation
-He established the first forensic laboratory in the world at Lyons, France. -
First Blood Test
-Was created by Dr. Leone Lattes who was a professor at the Institute of Forensic Medicine at the University of Turin in Italy
-Lattes made a simple test that determined the blood group of a dried bloodstain -
U.S. Army Colonel Calvin Goddard
-U.S. Army Colonel Calvin Goddard refined the techniques used for firearm examination
-He would use a comparison firearm to see if it would match with the one used in a crime -
First USA Forensic Lab
-The oldest forensic lab in the United States is in Los Angeles and it was created in 1923 by Police Chief August Vollmer -
FBI Forensic Lab
-J. Edgar Hoover led the Federal Bureau of Investigation to their first national laboratory that helped with investigations all over the nation
-The FBI is the world's largest forensics lab and helps with over one million cases per year -
First use of Photography in Forensics
-Since the Mid-20th century, photography, chromatography, spectrophotometry, and electrophoresis were used in forensic investigation.
-These techniques helped the forensic scientists evaluate crimes with great accuracy -
FBI's Forensic Science Research and Training Center
-Late-19th century, the FBI developed a facility dedicated to researching new methods of investigation and scientific methods used in the forensic field
-This facility also trains new forensic scientists every year to help with research and investigations -
Sir Alec Jeffreys
-Sir Alec Jeffreys was an English scientist who made one of the biggest contributions to forensics
-He was able to develop the first DNA profiling test and used it to solve the crime of two murdered english women