
The History of Forensic Scientist

By wcurry
  • Mathieu Orfila

    Mathieu Orfila
    Considered "Father of Toxicology"; chemist who published the first scientific paper on the detection of poisons and their effect on animals
  • William Herschel

    William Herschel
    Used thumbprints on documents to identify workers in India
  • Aldhonse Bertillon

    Aldhonse Bertillon
    "Father of Criminal Identification. Developed Anthropometry which uses body measurements to distinguish individuals.
  • Henry Fauds

    Henry Fauds
    Uses fingerprints to eliminate an innocent burglary suspect.
  • Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

    Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
    Published his first Sherlock Holmes story; Considered the first “CSI”, featured in four novels and 56 short stories, popularized scientific crime-detection methods.
  • Francis Galton

    Francis Galton
    Published Finger Prints. Conducted the first definitive study of fingerprints and their classification. Gave proof of their uniqueness.
  • Hans Gross

    Hans Gross
    Wrote the first paper describing the application of scientific principles to the field of criminal investigation. Published Criminal Investigation.
  • Karl Landsteiner

    Karl Landsteiner
    Discovered the ABO blood groups, later received Nobel Prize.
  • Edmond Locard

    Edmond Locard
    Incorporated Gross’ principles within a workable crime lab; became the founder and director of the Institute of Criminalistics at the University of Lyons, France.
  • Albert S. Oaborn

    Albert S. Oaborn
    Published Questioned Documents. Developed the fundamental principles of document examination.
  • Leone Lattes

    Leone Lattes
    determining blood type from dried blood.
  • August Vollmer

    August Vollmer
    Established the First Crime Lab in United States, located in Los Angeles
  • Calvin Goddard

    Calvin Goddard
    Developed a comparison microscope; first used to compare bullets to see if fired from the same weapon.