Crime scene

The History of Forensic Science

  • Hydrogen Peroxide Discovery

    Hydrogen Peroxide Discovery
    Discovered by Louis Jacques Thénard
  • Invention of the camera

    Invention of the camera
    Helped document crime scenes
  • Bloodstains

    First time bloodstains are corelated to injuries
  • Fingerprinting

    Discovered that no two fingerprints are alike
  • Hydrogen Peroxide Application

    Hydrogen Peroxide Application
    Discovery that hydrogen peroxide fizzes when coming in contact with hemoglobin
  • Exchange Principle

    Exchange Principle
    Edmond Locard developed the Exchange Principle, stating that everything and everyone that enters a crime scene leaves some piece of evidence behind and everyone takes some piece of the crime scene with them when they leave.
  • First Crime Lab

    First Crime Lab
    Edmond Locard created the first crime lab in an attic with two assistants.
  • Hair in Forensics

    Hair in Forensics
    Victor Balthazard discovered that hair could be used to determine the nature of a crime.
  • Ballistics

    Victor Balthazar discovered that gun barrels left specific sets of grooves on each bullet; the field of ballistics was formed.
  • Polygraph

    Polygraph invented in California
  • "Flight Characteristics and Stain Patterns of Human Blood"

    "Flight Characteristics and Stain Patterns of Human Blood"
    Herbert MacDonell wrote "Flight Characteristics and Stain Patterns of Human Blood", giving him the title "The Father of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis".
  • DNA Testing

    DNA Testing
    DNA testing was discovered