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The History of Flight

  • 1400

    Leonardo Da Vinci

    sketched out his flying machines in multiple notebooks.
  • Period: 1400 to

    Pre-Wright Brothers era

  • Sir Isaac Newton

    Laws of motion, gravity, and physics
  • Daniel Bernoulli

    Created the Bernoulli's Principle. Speed up, lower pressure. Slow down, higher pressure.
  • Montgolfier Brothers

    Invented the hot air balloon
  • Hiram Maxim

    helped build the airplane motor
  • George Cayley "The Father of Aviation"

    Created and successfully tested the "boy flier" in which a young boy flew Cayley's glider
  • Frank Wenham

    Built the wind tunnel
  • Alphonse Penaud

    Created a working rubber band airplane
  • Otto Lilenthal

    made more than 2000 flights with his gliders
  • Octave Chanute

    Researched flight and wrote a book, greatly inspiring the Wright Brothers. He also helped make a motor for the Wrights.
  • Samuel Langley

    First sustained flight
  • The Wright Brothers

    The first controlled, sustained, flight.
  • Period: to

    Wright Brothers Era

  • Glenn Curtiss

    Invented many different military planes. Also one of the first controlled flights.
  • Lieutenant Selfridge

    First airplane fatality
  • Period: to

    Glenn Curtiss Era

  • First Bombing Raid

  • First Mail Planes

  • First Cross Country Flight

    Flew from New York to California
  • World War I

    A four year war in which fighting usually took place in Europe
  • First Regular Airplane Mail Service

  • First Air-to-Air Refueling

  • World War II

    A war in which Hitler invaded France and tried to take over the world.
  • Chuck Yeager

    Broke the sound barrier
  • Korean War

    A war between North and South Korea
  • Vietnam War

    North Vietnam attacked the US backed South Vietnam
  • Gulf War

    Kuwait is invaded by Saddam Hussein's forces and are forced back by UN
  • The Future of Flight

    The Future of Flight
    Passenger jets going Mach 2.2, solar powered flight, flying cars, ect. What's next?