The History of Flight

  • 1485

    Da Vinci's Ornithopter

    Da Vinci's Ornithopter
    First Real study of aeronautics. Was one of hundreds of different blueprints made by Da Vinci. Was never made in physical form by him, but is used as a template for modern helicopters.
  • Joseph Michel and Jacques Montgolfier Hot Air Balloon

    Joseph Michel and Jacques Montgolfier Hot Air Balloon
    The first ever hot air balloon. Used a flame to blow hot smoke into a silk bag that made it lighter than air. First passengers were a sheep, rooster, and duck. Climbed 6,000 feet and travelled over a mile.
  • George Cayley's Gliders

    George Cayley's Gliders
    George Cayley dedicated his life to experimenting with gliders. He spent 50 years thinking up and testing different designs.
  • Otto Lilienthal's gliders

    Otto Lilienthal's gliders
    First person to create fully operational gliders that could fly someone long distances. Wrote a book on aerodynamics that the wright brothers studied. Flew 2500 times.
  • Langley's Aerodrome

    Langley's Aerodrome
    Flew 3/4ths of a mile before running out of fuel. Was one of the first official flights ever taken place using engine induced propulsion.
  • The Wright Brothers Endeavors

    The Wright Brothers Endeavors
    The Wright brothers started in 1900 by testing the way airflow affects certain designs in kites. They then began design and construction of their flyer in 1902 where they perfected the body and created their own 12 horsepower engine. In 1903, the flyer lifted covering 850 feet in 59 seconds. In 1905, Flyer III flew for 39 minutes covering 24 miles.
  • First Commercial Flight

    First Commercial Flight
    Tony Jannus conducted the first commercial flight from St. Petersburg- Tampa Airboat Line
  • First Practical Helicopter Created

    First Practical Helicopter Created
    Took flight at stratford connecticut, Designed by Igor Sikorsky and built by the Vought-Sikorsky for military use.