Dec 1, 1200
Evidence of Egyptian fencing bouts in a temple near Luxor, Egypt.
Jan 1, 1471
The first known fencing manual is published by the Spaniard Sierge de Valera. The first real fencing techniques are developed in Spain around this time.
Nov 9, 1553
The fencing master Agrippa defines the four fencing positions - prime, seconde, tierce, and quatre.
Nov 9, 1567
The French Fencing Academy is officially recognized by King Charles IX.
The French fencing master La Boessiere invents the fencing mask.
The first American fencing school is founded by immigrant French and Italian fencing masters.
FIE (The International Fencing Federation) is founded.
With the end of World War I, Dueling declines in popularity. The sport of Fencing, however, continues to grow.
Women’s Foil becomes an Olympic sport.
Eastern European countries, such as the Soviet Union, Romania, and Poland, become rising fencing powers, breaking the French and Italian dominance of the sport. The Eastern European style relies more on speed and mobility.
Women’s Epeé becomes an Olympic sport.