Catharine Esther Beecher published "A Treatise on Domestic Economy"
The Morrill Act was signed by Abraham Lincoln, sponsored by JUSTIN SMITH MORRILL
Ellen Henrietta Richards entered Vassar College, NY, as a special student and graduated two years later.
Kansas State established the first for-credit academic program in the field in a land-grant institution. It became the national model for curriculum and facilities.
Ellen Swallow Richards~ 1st woman to earn a Bachelors at MIT, and she also became an Instructor
Ellen (Nellie) Richards married Robert Hallowell Richards who supported her endeavors.
Ellen Swallow Richards published, "The Chemistry of Cooking and Cleaning: A Manual for Housekeepers"
The HATCH Act = $15,000/year for state established agricultural experiment stations
Ellen Richards performed a Water Quality Survey, "Great Sanitary Survey"
“The accuracy of the work and the no less important accuracy of the records were mainly due to Mrs. Richards’s great zeal and vigilance.”
https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/education/whatischemistry/women-scientists/ellen-h-swallow-richards.html -
The Second Morrill Act was passed
The World Columbian Expo in Chicago~ The Rumford Kitchen~ “science of nutrition”
First Nutritional Lunch program was started by E.H.S. Richards
The first Lake Placid conference when the American Home Economics Association was established
Focus on Childcare & Home & Family Life in Home Economics
State backed support grows for practical education beyond the 8th grade ~ Secondary education expands to include vocational education
The first girl’s tomato club (4-H) organized by teacher Marie Cromer ~Agricultural Extension
Ellen Henrietta Swallow Richards died at her home in Jamaica Plain, Mass. from Angina.
Two white women become home demonstration agents in South Carolina
Two black women from South Carolina advocated for home demonstration work for women & girls
Smith Lever Act ~ Agriculture Extension Act was passed
The Smith-Hughes Act is passed, establishing federal support for vocational education
ffa.org -
1917-1919 Home Economists teach the nation the rules of substitution
AHEA sets goals to establish & maintain proper instruction for girls and boys
The Home Economic section is added to the APLU~ American Association of Land-Grant Colleges
Parenting classes for men and women encouraged
Childcare recognized as a key element in the home economics curriculum
Food corporations begin employing home economists to create recipes and nutritional information for other home economists in the classroom
Home Economists promoted classes in Marriage & Family Life for high school students
Home economist in the state become accepted by the public as experts in human nutrition
Agnes Faye Morgan, chair of the Department of Home Economics at UC Berkeley, is appointed to serve on President Roosevelt’s First Nutrition Congress
The USDA Bureau of Home Economics becomes the Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics
journals.ala.org -
President Dwight Eisenhower honored Marie Cromer Seigler for her role as a founder of 4-H Clubs.
Integration begins~ Feminists criticize scientific experts in home economics for fostering restrictive roles for women~ Rise in specialized programs in colleges
Vocational Education Act~ gainful employment outside the home
Home Economists begin to gear its work seriously towards males- Vocational Ed Act
AHEA launched Project 2000- enhancing programs to meet diversity needs
“Rethinking Women & Home Economics in the 20th Century” @CORNELL University, Ithaca, New York
5 major Home Economics Associations create a process to evaluate the mission, breadth and scope of the profession
Name changes from Home Economics to Family and Consumer Sciences
*1993 Meeting in Scottsdale confirms the name change and starts the official process to become FCS in '94 -
Association membership decreases and FCS programs struggle to stay in public schools
First Lake Bonneville Summit held at BYU-Idaho to commemorate and generate positive professional networks in the Southeast Idaho area
100 year celebrations held nationally for the organization of AAFCS
"Celebrating the past, sustaining the future" ~2009~ 100 Year Anniversary
https://online.aafcs.org/aafcsssa/ecssashop.show_product_detail?p_session_serno=&p_mode=detail&p_product_serno=263&p_cust_id= -
107th Annual Conference & Expo: "Improving the Health and Well-Being of a Changing Society" Held in Bellevue, Washington
110th AAFCS Annual Conference & Expo~@ST. LOUIS, Missouri