By anaelia
  • 450


    Anglo and saxon are together *the jules who didnt.
    Romans leave Britian and Germanic (tribes) star flooding in.
    Anglo-Saxon was much useful as it was maninly words like: house, woman loaf werewolf. Four our day of the week were in honor of gods Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday and Friday.
  • 597


    Christian missionaries stole in bringing them leaflets about jumble sales and more latin words. Are more happy to take a funky words latin like; "martyr" ,"bishop" and "front".
  • 800

    C. 800 VIKING

    C. 800 VIKING
    Viking with their action man words like" drag" ,"ransack" , "fast" and "die" . Rope and pillage around 2000 words take and gave an English phrases like " watch out man with an enormous axe.
  • 1066

    The Norman Conquest

    The Norman Conquest
    William invades England bringing new concepts from across the channel .
    *Like French language the "doomsday book","duty free","Gauloise"and multipack. French was de rigueur for official business:
    *1125 cuncil-Council ,1129 clerc-clerk,1290 parlement-parliament
    *1300 evidence
    *1400 jury
    1154 :justice
    All this words Latin was still used are nauseam in Church.
    Common man spoke English able to communicate by speaking slowly.
    French and English took over as the language power.
  • 1564


    2000 new words and phrases were invented by William Shakespeare.
    Handy words like: eyeball, puppy dog ,anchovy, dauntless,besmirch, lackluster.He came up with the word alligator ran out rhymes crocodile.
    Nation of tea drinker, invented hob-nob (twelft night).
    Phrases as well as biscuit we would never eat out flesh and blood out of house and home.(The merchant of Venice ,III).
    Shaspeare poetry words that English was rich, vibrant language with limitless expressive and emotional power.
  • King James Bible

    King James Bible
    Translation of Bible a team of scribes with the wisdom Sullivan.
    This bible went from strenghth to strength getting to the root of the matter in Language.
    It was in handy little books with fire and brimstone preachers reading it in every Church. Its words and phrases took to the ends of BrItain.
    James book taugth us "leopard can't change its spot", "the birds the hand worth two in the bush".
    James begat a whole glossary of methaphor and morality shapes the way English his spoken today.
  • The English of Science

    The English of Science
    Britain was a ful of physicistis: Robert Hooke( 1635-1703),Robert Boyle(1626-1691) and Isacc Newton (1643-1727).
    1660 The Royal Society was formed working Latin, 1st Newton´s story about Pomum "falling to the terra" from the "Arbor" transform our understanding using English.
    scientist discovery faster thing.
    *electricity(1646) etc.
    Scientist suddenly became aware of the human body like:
    cardiac, tonsil (1601)
    sternum (1667)
    penis (1693)
  • 1563-1914 English and Empire

    1563-1914 English and Empire
    Britain decide to take it on tour asking only for land .They went to the Caribbean looking for gold and change to really unwind discovery.
    barbecue 1650
    canoe 1550
    Word "cannibal" to make the sound exciting.
    India - yoga help to stay in shape.
    cummebund C.1610 hide the paunch.
    Africa(1850) "voodoo" and "zombie" kicking of them inteen horror film.
    Australia English took words"nuget"1852, "boomerang"1827 and walkabout 1828.
    British Empire leaving variety of English to develop all over the globe.
  • The Age of the Dictionary

    The Age of the Dictionary
    English expanding in all direction a new breed of men called lexicographers.Finish with the Anarchy.Dr.Johnson whose write the dictionary of English took him 9 years to write (1746-1755) contained 42773 entries.
    1857 new book of the Oxford English Dictionary took 70 years to be finished.
    1928 providing the whole idea you can stop people making up word is complete. SNUFFBUMBLED.
  • American English

    American English
    Brits landed in America ,they needs name new words for plants and animals borrowed words like:racoon,squash,moose from Native Americans.
    When German arrived selling words like: pretzel ,Italian arrieved pizza and pasta.
    New language of capitalism,breakeven 1914, botomline1967,white collar 1921.
    New system of freeways 1865, subway1893 and parking lot1924
    word like merger 1926, dowsizing 1986. American English drifted back across the pond. Brits words like cool, movies, groovey, jazz (1912-1933)
  • Internet English

    Internet English
    1972 the first email was sent,soon the internet arrived: a free global space to share information, ideas and amusing pictures.
    English changed through people speaking it,but they net brought typing back into fashion.
    Conversation were getting shorter than the average attention span.
    Appears the abbreviation become IMHO-in my humble opinion ,BTW- by the way, LOL Laugh out loud and lost of love , UG2BK You go to be kidding.