Luigi Galvani discovered bioelectricity, Showing that nerve cells passing signals to muscles is a form of electricity. -
first locomotive
This situation required the invention of more effective engines and cheaper energy sources. -
Incandesent Light Demo
James Bowman Lindsay demonstrated a constant electric light at a public meeting in Dundee, Scotland. He stated that he could "read a book at a distance of one and a half feet". -
electric motor
Thomas Davenport invented the electric motor, which is still used today in electrical appliances. -
Solar Energy
Solar energy was first developed by Mouchout of France. His solar engine consisted of a a glass-enclosed iron cauldron with reflectors that concentrated solar radiation to boil water and to operate a small steam engine with the steam produced. -
The telephone was invented
The telephone, invented by Alexander Graham Bell, converted the sound waves from the human voice to electric impulses, conducted the impulses through a wire, and converted them back to the human sound at the other end of the wire. -
The Lightbulb
Thomas Edison invented an incandescent light bulb that could be used for about 40 hours without burning out. -
First automobile invented
Karl Benz created the first automobile -
Wind Turbine
Charles Brush builds the first wind turbine to generate electricity. -
Nuclear Fission is Discovered
Nuclear Fission releases a tremendous amount of energy.