The History of Emotional/Behavior Disorders - Kathryn H.

  • 1500

    Middle Age Practices/Beliefs (500-1500)

    It is reported that during this time, symptoms of mental illness were thought to be the influence of the devil/bad spirits. Clergy were responsible for "treating such possessions" rather than seeking out medical counsel.
  • The Discouerie of Witchcraft

    Englishman, Reginald Scott, publishes the book "The Discouerie of Witchcraft" to denounce the notion that spirits cause mental disorders. This is the first public declaration holding this notion. It is seen as radical, and is not an honorable commentary for many years.
  • Early Asylums established in 1547

    Early asylums were established in 1547 and were a practice through the 18th century. The inhumane conditions were similar to jails and left these people living in deplorable conditions.
  • The Moral Treatment

    Focus started to shift from clerical treatment to physician treatment. Philippe Pinel, a French doctor, became the director a hospital. He is known for advocating for humane treatment of patients with EBD.
  • Campaigning for Services

    Throughout the mid to late 19th century and early 20th century, physicians and scholars campaigned for humane treatments, establishment of mental hospitals, and education about the disorders.
  • Juvenile Psychopath Institute

    The establishment of this institute marks a turning point in how society treated and studied emotional disturbances. Out of this institute came the Stanford-Binet Test, therapeutic approaches to treatment, and several evidence based research texts.
  • A formal definition is constructed

    Eli Bower creates and proposes a formal definition of Emotional Disturbance based upon research and evidence based practice. Later, the government adopts and modifies this definition.;jsessionid=D7308EEA78003A0123A9B2D92FAC998E?doi=
  • EAHCA is Passed

    The passage of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act establishes a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) for all children with disabilities, in their least restrictive environment (LRE).
  • EAHCA Amended

    These Amendments extended to protect early childhood students, and gave greater attention to those with EBD. This was amended again in 1986.
  • National Mental Health & Special Education Coalition

    This organization formally adopts the term "emotional and behavioral disorders" to classify individuals with these needs.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    As it applies to EBD...IDEA specifies conditions for removing students from public schools, without denying an alternate setting. It also mandated Functional Behavior Plans and Behavior Intervention Plans.
  • 21st Century Prevention & Intervention

    There has been much debate about where to start-- do we start research preventatively, or intervene where able? Recently, a group of Special Education professionals has created different categories of prevention with the help of medical professionals.