The History of Electricity

  • 600 BCE

    Thales of Miletus

    A Greek philosopher, records that when he polishes amber with a piece of wool or ful, a static electric charge is created, attracting straw or feathers. We thing it's importat because is the first knowledge of magnetism.
  • Galvani's Work

    Shows that when moisture comes between two different metals, electricity is created. (Lead him to create the first batery). Is the beginnings of the battery.
  • Christian Oersted

    Holds a magnetic compass near a curret-carring wire, discovering electromagnetism. Confirmation of electromagnetism.
  • Michael Faraday

    Succeeds in building the first electric motor. Making possible the storage of electricity.
  • Alexander Graham Bell

    Patents the telephone, wich transmits speech over electric wires. Is the beginning of the communication through the telephone.
  • Edison and Joseph Swan

    Both apply for patents for carbon-filament incandescent lamps.
  • Shuyler Wheeler

    Makes the firts fan using an electrical motor. Is important for global public lighting.
  • Nikola Tesla

    Introduces the alternating current generator, allowing electricity to be distributed longer distances.
  • Guglielmo Marconi

    Harnesses electric waves in the air to produce the first practical radio signaling system
  • American Lee De Forest

    Invents a vacuum tube that amplifies radio signals, making the development of radio and television comunication possible.
  • Electronic Computers

    Electric Computers invented. Electric freezers, frying pans, portable mixers and improved air conditioners introduced.
  • Atomic Energy

    A nuclear reactor built at Arco, idaho, powers a generator, producing the first elecricity generated by atomic energy.