3200 BCE
Clay Tablets
In southern Mesopotamia, about 3200 BCE, Sumerian-made clay tablets with the first known writing were discovered. -
2700 BCE
Sumerian Abacus
A calculator known as the Sumerian Abacus first existed in 2700 BCE. -
100 BCE
Paper was invented around 100 BCE in China. According to Shenoy and Aithal (2016), the Chinese created a sheet of paper using
mulberry and other bast fibers along with fishnets, old rags, and hemp waste, -
Manuscript Transcription
Manuscript Transcription started in 382. -
Slate Board
Slate boards were in use in India in the 12th century AD because of the price of the paper. -
Printing Press
Johannes Gutenberg invented the first Printing Press in Europe. According to Gunaratne (2001), Bi Sheng invented movable type four centuries before Gutenberg. -
Public Education
Public education age started in 1600 and chalkboard slates, books, and blackboards were started to use in 1800 -
Audiovisual Age
The audiovisual era began in the 1910s and lasted through the 1940s. Radios, film strip projectors, and overhead projectors were all widely used at this time. -
Radio usage in education began in 1920s -
Film Strip Projectors
They were essential in the educational process. Filmstrip projectors were one of the key technologies used in teaching throughout the audiovisual era. -
Overhead Projectors
In order to instruct their soldiers, the military deployed overhead projectors. In 1940s, the usage of overhead projectors became common in education. -
Information Age
The information Age started in the 1960s. Television, VCR, VHS Tape, and AudioTape usage was significant between these years. -
After the invention of television and using them in education, the learners were not only able to hear the lessons, but also they started to see them. -
Satellite Broadcasting
In the 1980s, satellite broadcasting started to become available. -
Computer Age
In the 1990s the computer age began. The invention computer and its usage had a significant impact on education. Using a computer, CD ROM, Microsoft Power, whiteboard, and laptop was essential in this age. -
World Wide Web
World Wide Web, also known as WWW, was invented in 1991 and opened to the public in 1991. -
The Digital Age
In the digital age, students and instructors could communicate with other people from all over the world. Also, the first fully online courses started in 1995. -
The biggest search engine "Google" was created in 1999 -
The Interactive Age
The explosion of digital technology and virtual communication, particularly among students, has given rise to interactive learning in approximately the year 2000. Especially; Smart Response LE, Laptops, Smart Response PE, Document Camera, and Smart Response XE are the most important discoveries. -
Youtube was launched on February 14, 2005. Short educational videos that can be downloaded and online courses are started to being used on Youtube. -
Two Stanford University professors launched a lecture-capture-based MOOC on artificial intelligence in 2012. Baturay (2015) explains it as "the term ‘MOOCs’ represents open access, global, free, video-based instructional content, videos, problem sets and forums released through an online platform to high volume participants aiming to take a course or to be educated". -
Baturay, M. H. (2015). An overview of the world of MOOCs. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 174, 427-433. Padmanabha Shenoy, and Aithal P. S., (2016). A Study on History of Paper and possible Paper Free World. International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering (IJMIE), 6(1), 337-355. Gunaratne, S.A. (2001). Paper, Printing and the Printing Press: A Horizontally Integrative Macrohistory Analysis. International Communication Gazette, Volume: 63 issue: 6, 459-479. -
Bates, A.W. (2015) Teaching in a Digital Age: Guidelines for Designing Teaching and Learning Vancouver BC. https://cdn.britannica.com/43/120643-004-926C49EB/Illustration-Encyclopaedia-Britannica-printing-press-edition-stick.jpg https://goodfaithmedia.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/school-classroom-1-1080x675.jpg https://assets.sutori.com/user-uploads/image/019b36ae-b15f-4d05-b152-473fab25b5a2/b238c5b3b4afc0dfe9b7b93e41421c0b.jpeg -
http://pnubsehistedtech-projectedmedia.weebly.com/uploads/5/6/3/5/56358013/9123709.jpeg?345 https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f8/First_vacuum_tube_AM_radio_transmitter.jpg/220px-First_vacuum_tube_AM_radio_transmitter.jpg https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/418LduWsmkL._AC_SY580_.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2f/Google_2015_logo.svg/1200px-Google_2015_logo.svg.png https://www.youtube.com/img/desktop/yt_1200.png -
https://www.ancientpages.com/wpcontent/uploads/2017/05/mesopotamianwriting16.jpg https://news.uchicago.edu/sites/default/files/styles/full_width/public/images/2019-01/Tablet1380.jpg?itok=n18Vv4el https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/50adfa2ae4b0cc1d786569eb/1551043526886-QYCCCA0IL5UFJAZOMVTP/image-asset.jpeg?format=500w http://www.archivejournal.net/journal_2017/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Va245_65.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/87/MOOC_poster_mathplourde.png