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The History of Education

  • First Public School

    First Public School
    The first public school was in Boston, mass. It is known as the the Boston Latin School. And it was a boys only school.
  • Birth of Teachers Union

    Birth of Teachers Union
    The National Teachers
    Association was created to
    give educators a united front,
    starting with just 100
    members. Today the union is
    the National Education
    Association and has more than
    3.2 million members.
  • Plessy Vs Ferguson

    Plessy Vs Ferguson
    This legalized segregation.
  • Free public School

    Free public School
    Everyone who wanted to go to school was able to because school didn't cost anything. Every public school became free.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    This law was passed by the 89th United States congress and signed by president Lyndon B. Johnson. The act had been a far-reaching federal legislation affecting education ever passed by the US.
  • Title IX becomes law

    Title IX becomes law
    This law prohibits discrimination based on sex. But it is known for legislating equal treatment and opportunity for girls in school sports.
  • Box Top education Program

    Box Top education Program
    Box Tops for Education was started by General Mills in California back in 1996, after the company decided they wanted to create a program to help support education and benefit America's schools.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    George W. Bush signed a law called No child Left Behind. This increased federal funding for education and ushers in standards based reform.
  • Getting Connected

    Getting Connected
    American schools have access to the internet finally!
  • Race to the top

    Race to the top
    President Barack Obama’s Race to
    the Top program ushers in a wave of
    education reforms as states compete
    for federal grants in the midst of a