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The History of Educational Technology

By umurinc
  • 3500 BCE

    Invention of Writing

    Invention of Writing
    Until the invention of writing, there was only oral education and there were no records except some cave carvings. By the invention of writing, human history, and scientific developments have been begun to record. These records accelerated the human-development.
  • 105

    The invention of Paper

    The invention of Paper
    After the invention of writing, they were carving stones that they wanted to record. However, it was a very challenging and slow process for keeping records. Then in China, a material made from a combination of milled plants and textile fibres has been invented. It was much thinner than stone and much easier to write. It has been called "paper" and it accelerated the process of keeping records.
  • 1436

    Gutenberg's press

    Gutenberg's press
    After the invention of paper, keeping record has been an easy thing. However, sharing them was so hard, because every other copy had to be written by hand. To solve this problem, Johannes Gutenberg invited a machine that is called Gutenberg's Press. Thanks to this machine, copying some written sources has become much faster and human kind could share the knowledge eaiser.
  • The Invetion of Projector

    The Invetion of Projector
    Even if the modern projectors need a computer to exist, there were projectors in the pre-computer era, and, one of the earliest versions of the projector was called the magic lantern. It was created in 1659 by Christian Huygens, a Dutch scientist who used a concave mirror to direct light from a lamp onto a glass slide that had the image. The magic lanterns gained popularity in education and the entertainment domains.
  • The Invention of Pencil

    The Invention of Pencil
    Actually, the invention of pencil has not an excate date. In history -even before the invention of writing- pencils or some tools which were used for exactly the same purpose were used, to carve something, to mark sheeps, etc. However, the modern pencil was invented in 1795 by Nicholas-Jacques Conte, a scientist serving in the army of Napoleon Bonaparte. Nicholas-Jacques Conte, noticed that people are sloging away painting and writing, and decided to solve this problem by inventing the pencil.
  • The Invention of Blackboard

    The Invention of Blackboard
    Even if the paper had been invented, it was not very cheap and, this affected education in school negatively. Then, one day a guy whose name is James Pillans -who was also a headmaster and old Geography teacher in an old high school- hung a large piece of slate on the classroom wall. By doing that, he invented the modern blackboard.
  • Computers

    Even if the first computers are invented in 1942, it doesn't mean that they have been used for education. They were designed to solve problems, so it wasn't useful for educational purposes. However, then, in 1990 the computer age began, and it began to be used in schools. In time, it has been developed by scientists and became an essential machine for education.
  • The Internet

    The Internet
    The Internet started in the 1960s as a way for government researchers to share information. However, at that time, people weren't allowed to use it. Because of that, January 1, 1983, is considered the official birthday of the Internet. Thus, the universities began to use the Internet for sharing knowledge of them, since it is developed by sciences more and more, and now, we can use the Internet for almost everything.
  • Smart Board

    Smart Board
    While computers were becoming an essential thing for education, the big screens became a necessary thing to have for teachers. However, even if the teacher has a big screen, it was not enough because it was hard to control it from the computer. The Smart Technologies inc. decided to mix them. The first Smart Board, connected to an LCD panel and a computer running integrated programs. By doing that, they make education easier.
  • The Smartphone

    The Smartphone
    The smartphone was invented in 1992 by IBM and released in 1994. It was called Simon Personal Communicator (SPC). It hadn't very complicated features. Then in 2001, smartphones meet the Internet. Since then, it became a mini-computer that is easy to carry.
  • References of Images

    Image by José-Manuel Benito from Wikipedia
    Image by cocoparisienne from pixabay
    Image by Patrice_Audet from Pixabay
    Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay
    Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay
    Image by damasu from Pixabay
    Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay
    Image by steveriot1 from Pixabay
    Image by Lucent_Designs_dinoson20 from Pixabay
    Image by JESHOOTS-com from Pixabay