The History of Pokemon

  • The First Generation

    The First Generation
    The first games, Pokemon Red and Pokemon Green were released to the Gameboy on February 27, 1996. These were soon followed, due to popularity, by Pokemon Blue.
  • Pokemon Cards

    Pokemon Cards
    The first playing cards were made in October 20, 1996. It included 102 cards to go along with the Trading Card Game that had its own rules.
  • First Movie

    First Movie
    The first movie was relaeased November 6, 1999, titled Mewtwo Strikes Back. The movie is about Ash (main character) trying to convince Mewtwo that humans and Pokemon can be friends.
  • Generation 2

    Generation 2
    On November 21, 1999, the second generation of Pokemon gmaes were released. These were Pokemon Gold and Silver, and along with them came 100 new Pokemon. The most noticeable changes made in these games were Pokemon having two different genders, letting them breed, and the addition of a real-time clock.
  • Generation 3

    Generation 3
    November 21, 2002 was when the third generation of Pokemon was released. Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire brought new features to the Pokemon games like Contests, Double Battles, Pokemon Abilities and Natures, There were also 135 new Pokemon introduced.
  • Back to Kanto

    Back to Kanto
    Still in Generation 3, two games were released that were remakes of Pokemon Red and Blue, which were set in the Kanto region. These games were made to catch up the generation 1 remakes to the third generation.
  • Tenth Anniversary

    Tenth Anniversary
    2006 was the tenth year of Pokemon. It was celebrated by a CD, "Pokemon X" and a Figure Trading Game.
  • Generation 4

    Generation 4
    Pokemon Diamond and Pearl were released on September 28, 2006, introducing 107 new Pokemon to the mix. Also, the time system returned, there were differences between genders of the same Pokemon, Pokemon Super Contests, and a difference between physical and special moves.
  • Generation 5

    Generation 5
    On September 18, 2010, Pokemon Black and White brought everything entirely new to the Pokemon world. 156 new pokemon, triple battles, seasons, Pokemon Musical instead of Pokemon Contests were all unseen features.
  • Generation 6

    Generation 6
    This generation's first games, Pokemon X and Y, were released on the same day worldwide. Three new starters, and many new pokemon, the main new feature being these games being playable on the 3DS.