birth of walt disney
Walt Disney was born 1901 in Chicago. As child,he loved drawing and storytelling. -
In the 1920, he moved to Hollywood and created Mickey Mouse in 1928.The first cartoon with synchronized sound, Steamboat Willy, made Mickey famous -
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
The first full-length animated film.It was a huge success, and Disney continued marking classic films -
Disney opened Disneyland
The first theme park of its kind.It was a magical place where children could meet their favorite characters -
Walt Disney Died
After his died company continued to grow. -
Walt Disney World opened in Florida
Were a golden age for Disney
With movies like The Lion King (1994), Beauty and the Beast (1991), and Aladdin (1992). -
Disney bough Pixar and Toy Story
Disney acquiered Marvel
Disney also bought Lucas film
It launchet Disney+