First vaccine
Edward Jenner developed a method to protect people from smallpox by exposing them to the cowpox virus beacuse he had observed the milkmaids never got smallpox but got cowpox instead. In his famous experiment, he rubs pus from a dairymaid's cowpox postule into scratches on the arm of a boy. -
cow pox vaccine compulsary
Vaccination with cowpox is made compulsory in Britain in 1853. -
Malaria discovered
malaria discovered by Alphonse Laveran -
Ebola Discovered
Ebola first discovered -
Foot and mouth in Cumbria
From February 2001 through to September 2001 hundreds of farms throughout Cumbria were struck with foot and mouth disease. The numbers of animals affected will never be padmitted, but informed guesses suggest some twenty million animals were killed throughout the UK, many of them healthy, in an attempt to stop the spread of disease.